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  1. Bunny04

    Omg- Harry Potter 6 is complete!

    well yesh-- 9 hrs and 53 Mintues to go ^^
  2. Bunny04

    Omg- Harry Potter 6 is complete!

    Its being sold 'globally' at the same time - England 12.01 am- (which is at the same time as us- although its 9.01 here) Perth 7.01am , so it matches up with out 9.01 - Due to the fact there is a time difference.. The shopkeepers are allowed to OPEN the boxes at 8.30am tomorrow...
  3. Bunny04

    The Sydney Conservatorium Students Thread

    Yeah- thats who im going to see.. she's nice at least ^^;;
  4. Bunny04

    Omg- Harry Potter 6 is complete!

    There is no difference apart from the covers- and no price changes between adult and child versions. The only reason they make the adult cover is due to people saying "I dont want to be sitting on a bus , being seen reading a kids book..... " which totally doesn't make sense, seeing as anyone...
  5. Bunny04

    The Sydney Conservatorium Students Thread

    Meep- meeting with the dean, that sounds... freakeh. O_o , but yeah, i have made an appointment with the manager of student admin about me transfer- i rang her today finally lol. .. ^^ but thanks Kate ^^ = meep, i just hope i dont fail it.. i'd rather not repeat it lol
  6. Bunny04

    Omg- Harry Potter 6 is complete!

    i pre-ordered my book at borders today ^^ lol, I will kill anyone that does scream out, or mention anything about the plot on saturday- sunday (may be finished by sunday morning ^^ ) i just hope no one ruins the plot while we're standing in line to get the book O_o , im definatley not going to...
  7. Bunny04

    Venue effects...

    Well, an orchestra in a large hall would sound alot more resinant.. louder i guess.. to a tiny hall, or stuffy room. Umm...Outdoors the sound would loose effect, - depending on wind and stuff , umm.. O__o different venues can create different tones.. erm, resonance and sound delay.
  8. Bunny04

    Conservatoriums - GENERAL: Entry, atmosphere, auditions etc.

    If you bum out in your UAI - there is always teh DIp.Mus course (which is MAJOR level instrumental straight performance Minus Music tech and Historical and cultural studies. ) Thats what happened to me.. I got a very low UAI and it turned out to be all fine cause thye put me in DIp Mus
  9. Bunny04

    London Explosion

    A freaking Over exaggeration..????? GOd will you shut up. yes a small attack, with the potential of alot more fatalites, nothings set in concrete yet.. there is still a train stuck underground, and who knows what will happen... Don't try and put these attacks into prespective.. they don't go...
  10. Bunny04

    London Explosion

    the one saying '2 ' may not have been updated *shrugs* i just hope there aren't too many more.
  11. Bunny04

    London Explosion

    Meep.. the phone lines are busy.. I wanna get hold of friends in London.. :( PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE stop the arguing.. its both annoying, Hypocritical *what you are saying that is* and stupid.. gah..
  12. Bunny04

    London Explosion

    yeah, a train stuck under Kings Cross, they have no idea of whats happened down there, and many more deaths and injuries expected from the stuck train.
  13. Bunny04

    London Explosion

    oh... it was the 12th (i was overeas when i heard about it... and hten came back to school to discover it all... :( ) oops, i get dates wrong... ^^
  14. Bunny04

    London Explosion

    And Bali in the middle of them. and btw it was 9/11/01 and then Bali 13/10/02 and then today.. (thats if its linked as a terrorist attack)
  15. Bunny04

    London Explosion

    Major security already there.. Guards on the lookout for that kind of activity. IF it was/ is a terrorist related attack, then the key is always 'suprise' . When people are least expecting, thats whats happened with the major attacks in the past.
  16. Bunny04

    London Explosion

    6 Blasts...
  17. Bunny04

    London Explosion

    oh god damnit, im watching the freaking BBC report on ABC.. Meep.. its awful. :(
  18. Bunny04

    London Explosion

    aww man, i just found out about the london explosions, some underground at Kings cross and the bus... suspicion arising that it is terrorist attack.. god damn.
  19. Bunny04

    Semester 1 results (2005)

    Oi.. shut up :P im tired.. what im typing isn't making any sense.. to me either. umm.. Im doing a Dip Music, it has 7 Subjects, i want to transfer to Bmus Perft which has 6 Subjects ... oh dont worry, im confusing myself.
  20. Bunny04

    Semester 1 results (2005)

    Ohh okies... But if im doing an extra subject in this course, and the course i want to transfer to is one less... does that matter? *blinks* this whole transfer stuff is confusing :(