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  1. M-turkey

    The F1 Thread

    What time does the TV Coverage start? Is it gonna be live? or a reply at like 10pm? EDIT: You have to be kidding, 11 pm on Capital!, all because their showing the V8s instead... craaap...
  2. M-turkey

    Has HSC physics been mutilated.......

    Yeah, at least with Science/Maths your either right or wrong, there's no in-between, unlike English where its a matter of taste and scores can vary between teachers.
  3. M-turkey

    Gran Turismo 4

    How much earlier did you get it? The Licence Tests I find are easier, The Bronze times are a bit easier, I remember having to spend ages on a few tests and then beating the bronze times by only a few thousands of a second, but the tests seem to be easier, I got National B with almost all on...
  4. M-turkey

    Gran Turismo 4

    Has anyone got this yet? I got it this afternoon, and already think its the best release of the series so far. The Collection of cars are bigger, with a few more aussie Holdens and Fords. I spose its for the aussie release, but the soundtrack has bands like Jet, The Donnas, Franz...
  5. M-turkey

    Brian Greene's "Elegant Universe"

    I have finally found a store that had a copy of this book! Has anyone else read it? Or seen the SBS specials?
  6. M-turkey

    Exciting Section!

    Heh, its kinda bad that hardly anyone does Engineering Studies. I'm the only one out of my grade that has done a major (4 semesters) across year 11 and 12. Its so much fun now, we're doing systems, and we're using the advanced Lego MindStorms, so we're having whole lessons of using Lego!
  7. M-turkey

    The F1 Thread

    Meh ha ha A Quote from Eccelstone: “Paul’s been a bit of a nuisance since day one, but we have protected him,” Ecclestone told The Sun. “Regretfully, there is now no place in Formula 1 for someone like him. If you can’t sustain running a team then you should get out. Looking forward for...
  8. M-turkey

    V8 Supercars 2005

    Yeah, but as a Schumacher fan Cape, do you feel he was screwed over by the rain today? Heh, I'd like to see him get pole on a completely dry track tomorrow, around a 1 minute lap would be good to see.
  9. M-turkey

    The F1 Thread

    Yeah, I agree with that, I tell you what, I'll never fly with Ozjet.
  10. M-turkey

    V8 Supercars 2005

    Man, I hope it stays dry tomorrow. It disappointing when races are desided by luck (BOC running slicks) rather than a proper race. Like todays race just finished with Skaife and Ambrose protecting the wet tyres rather than going for it.
  11. M-turkey

    The F1 Thread

    It cant be all stoddarts fault, the FIA wouldnt pull ALL motorsport out of a country because of what some alcoholic fool did. Its because of how he did it, a crappy legal system, that they may not come back. They cant penalise a country because of a team boss.
  12. M-turkey

    Which political group do you perfer?

    What about voting for a minority in a safe seat. For Example, my area is a safe Labour seat, is there any point voting for the greens if its not going to affect the result? I spose the only benefit would be helping them get at least 4% of the area vote so they get money out of it. (once a...
  13. M-turkey

    The F1 Thread

    This thing about Australia possibly losing motorsprt events isnt entirely Stoddarts fault. With his Minardi case going to the courts, the court made a ruling with only Stoddart giving his side of the case, the FIA didnt get a word in. The FIA dont like that kind of legal system (no-one...
  14. M-turkey

    2 questions on titration

    Thats really stuff that should of been found in a textbook or class notes. Its through molarity and the amount of moles of base (ammonia) and the moles of acid that will react with eachother for a complete reaction (neutral pH).
  15. M-turkey

    Time Dilation

    Gravitrons are massless. And photons have to have a rest mass of zero as they are light.
  16. M-turkey

    Time Dilation

    Unless it has a rest mass of zero
  17. M-turkey

    V8 Supercars 2005

    Seeing that the V8 season has its "preview" along side the Melbourne GP, I thought I would start this thread. First off, whats this stuff about Marcus Ambrose considering NASCAR?
  18. M-turkey

    The F1 Thread

    It looks like no Minardi still, Webber's out, so it Schumacher Whats up with Liuzzi? I'm getting an "stop" mid lap
  19. M-turkey

    music that sucks

    Pretty much all of Aria's top 10 singles
  20. M-turkey

    The F1 Thread

    Your lucky to even have a TV to watch, I'm stuck a school till 3:20 so I'll probably only catch the last half hour of coverage. Stoddart needs something to clam him down. I'm getting the live results feed from, oh well...