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  1. M-turkey

    The F1 Thread

    I agree, how much better is Channel 10s converage?! Channel Ten dont treat the Australian G.P as a one of event. They have RPM which is always covering parts of F1. The only problem with F1 ratings in Australia is the fact that the majority of the season is shown at like 2am in the...
  2. M-turkey

    Anyone into photography?

    Photography? Snap snap, grin grin, wink wink, nudge nudge, say no more?
  3. M-turkey


    lol, I still have an active account, however I only go on every few weeks. I relised that it was just easier to book my pet into the hotel and it would be cared for without me having to log on, play games to get points and then feed it.
  4. M-turkey

    Religious affiliation

    I'd like to see a non "man written book". All religious books are written through humans. The Koran was written by Mohammad (well, he didnt actually write it, we recited it). The Bible was written by humans, I believe that because it has a source from MANY humans that it makes it credible...
  5. M-turkey


    The rescent APC Mag came with a DVD with Novell SuSe 9.2. Its a pretty easy to install distro, although it does make its own partition larger than I wanted. Although, the distro itself is quite small (compared to the windows equivilant) at only 1.5 GB What really gives me the s**ts is that...
  6. M-turkey

    how do u make parts of a motor?

    Also, good magnets are important. Hopefully you can borrow some rare-earth magnets from a teacher, otherwise you'll be stuck with crappy bar magnets, or have to pay about $25 for your own
  7. M-turkey

    Subject needed?

    lol, if your really interested in Engineering, you'll find the classes interesting, so it wouldnt be too bad. A lot of work thou
  8. M-turkey

    how do u make parts of a motor?

    A safety consideration would be to use a non-metallic axel. When I built mine, I had a piece of dowel, about 25 mm thick, which I carefully drilled through at two places and placed two thinner pieces through. Use thick wire for coils. I was the first one in my class to finish their motor...
  9. M-turkey

    Subject needed?

    Year 12 ASSUMED KNOWLEDGE: Any 2 units of English plus Mathematics RECOMMENDED STUDIES: Physics, Chemistry and HSC Mathematics Extension 1. (Engineering Science if available). - Taken from Uni of Wollongong
  10. M-turkey

    Time Dilation

    An example of relative movement is when your observing cars. Stand next to a highway and watch the cars got past at "high-speed", you can have a relative velocity 110 km.h (the cars are moving that speed and compared to them your stationary). If you then get into a car, and travel next to...
  11. M-turkey

    Big readers - what was the book that got you really into reading?

    Great Expectations by Charles Dickens has got me into reading again, particularly Victorian Literature. The "Classics"
  12. M-turkey

    What mobile phone do you own?

    Sony Ericsson T230
  13. M-turkey

    String theory and M-thoery

    If can manage to get a copy of the show "Elegant Universe" hosted by Brian Greene or the book with the same name and author, it explains it very well. As has been said, String Theory came out with 5 seperate theories. Each one equally valid, ranging from 10 to 20 somthing dimensions. Steve...
  14. M-turkey

    Favourite Applications

    Firefox Thunderbird WinCustomise (for Logons) uxtheme.dll patch (for themes) Ad-aware SE Personal Spybot - Search and Destory ProformanceTest and other random stuff that is handy thats found on
  15. M-turkey

    BOS Browser Share

    I agree, Firefox is easier to use than Microsoft, more features and its completely free. Although, I'm not surprised by the result. Many people are scared to use freeware because people think their made by "hackers" Sorta true, but their the good kind of hackers.
  16. M-turkey

    The need for the Strong Force

    I was quite surprised when I picked up that there was a need for the strong force. Has anyone heard any stories (maybe you picked up on it yourself) of young physics students (e.g. Years 9 or 10) picking up the need for the strong force when learning about atomic structure and there being...
  17. M-turkey

    girls doing physics

    My best Friend is a girl doing Physics. I can actually say that a quarter of my Physics class are girls. Although there are only 4 people in my Physics class :p
  18. M-turkey

    Any effect on workload in 1st year engineering?

    Unless you've got experience from outside school, I think doing Engineering Studies will give you an introduction into the sort of things that will be looked at in a uni course. I did Engineering studies all year 11 and am doing it all year 12 too. I started the course with like no prior...
  19. M-turkey

    Are the laws wrong?????????

    Energy is released and mass is lost. This was discovered through experiements involving the atomic bomb. The starting mass (uranium sp? etc) is greater than the mass of whatever is leftover in an explosion of a atomic bomb. Therefore there is the great energy released I think thats...
  20. M-turkey

    quantum 2005

    I think M-Theory is the lastest theory, an evolution of String Theory (String Theory came up with 5 theories, each one valid) M-theory has combined the 5. Its interesting, these theories predict the existance of extra diamensions (M-Theory sets the number at 11). M-Theory involves Membranes...