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  1. J

    Maths-Ext 1/2 Marks Lost and Hardest Topics

    Ah shit, I see. anyway too good for band 6's, they better make a b7 just for you xo
  2. J

    Atar Calculator Scaling

    ah well, doesn't really matter too much, just gotta give all my subjects my best shot and see how it goes
  3. J

    Atar Calculator Scaling

    ahhhh so there is a LOT of guessing that the calculators have to do I see, but if I'm aiming for like 99.85 then would the calculators on average spit out more reliable required marks, rather than say if I was going for 94.3 or something?
  4. J

    How to Study Well

    Yeah, aiming to get approx 93-95 for ecos and chem, so then I can really vibe out year 12 tbh
  5. J

    Atar Calculator Scaling

    I see, is there like an approximate for every subject percentile to know what atar a person will get. Like for example, if I'm in P90 for all my subjects, is that a 90 ATAR?
  6. J

    Atar Calculator Scaling So when you look at the A3 conversion table, how can you approximate the mark for the centiles provided? Say we look at chemistry, P90 = 45.5 HSC mark, is there a way of determining what centile (other...
  7. J

    Maths-Ext 1/2 Marks Lost and Hardest Topics

    my Cambridge ext 1 is like 750 lmao :\\ But isn't getting a band 6 based of the difficulty, I read something on SMH that was about extension subjects and having higher % of kids who get band 6, mainly cuz its something they are good at and willing to invest time into it, that's why music...
  8. J

    Maths-Ext 1/2 Marks Lost and Hardest Topics

    Dont wanna seem intrusive, but did you manage a mid band 6?
  9. J

    Maths-Ext 1/2 Marks Lost and Hardest Topics

    idkkid seems to have it down pat tho and it seems to be term 2 of his yr 12 journey?
  10. J

    Maths-Ext 1/2 Marks Lost and Hardest Topics

    lmao it looks like yall finished the course already damn. leads me to a question, do most band 6ers in ext 1 and 2 have the course finished by term 2 of year 12 or wot?
  11. J

    How to Study Well

    subtle flex
  12. J

    How to Study Well

    Our school is pretty proficient in Bio, as far as my recent memory goes, we've had a couple state rankers and our accelerants have been like 1 or 2 marks off em, and same with 2U math. A few more years ago we were better in Chem, than bio, and accelerants usually got mid-high ish band 6s. But I...
  13. J

    How to Study Well

    Yes, that statement didn't make sense(as in the 99.95 from 94 in 4U) , but I'm pretty sure its based off like "if you get 94 then you're 'x' percentile of people, and this certain percentile gets 99.95 atar" ? idk just tryna make some sense of it,
  14. J

    Atar Calculator Scaling

    so does that mean the closer you get to 99.95 the more accurate the prediction becomes?
  15. J

    How to Study Well

    from what I know, scaling pretty much for all subjects spare a small handful, makes the mark lower, but people say it" scales up" when in reality its just scaled higher comparatively to other subjects. Anyway that's beside the point lol
  16. J

    How to Study Well

    isn't it alignment which bumps up the marks? or have I got the concept completely wrong from rawmarks?
  17. J

    How to Study Well

    How/where did you find out that a 94 ext 2 scales to 99.95? it'd be a great resource for people check their goals with.
  18. J

    How to Study Well

    ahah is your spacebar broken? also yeah I've almost finished chem and ecos in these holidays but I'm concerned about maths, mainly cuz I was never too gifted but through grinding it out I got decent marks, so I just wanna find efficiencies in how I study from now on in (economies of scale you...
  19. J

    How to Study Well

    Hey everyone So this year im accelerating chem and ecos, and next year I'm planning to do ext 1 and 2 but i want to get it all done by around this time next year, How do you guys recommend I go about studying for these to maximise marks (mid/high band 6s) ? What tips, tricks and resources do...
  20. J

    Maths-Ext 1/2 Marks Lost and Hardest Topics

    Yall reckon Cambridge is the GOAT for maths ext 1 n 2? because our school uses Fitzpatrick and eh idk about that tbh