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  1. CieL

    The Woolworths Thread

    Service. In that half an hour I gotta fill and spot 3 cash drawers, then pack 2 cabinets worth of cigarettes, and fill half if not all the individual packets of smokes on display [we're not in a shopping centre, and we dont have gates on the windows/shop, so everything has to be put in the vault...
  2. CieL

    The Woolworths Thread

    Heh my opens start at 5:30am [coles] By myself. It's so lonely!
  3. CieL

    single eyelids vs double eyelids

    I personally find double eyelids more appealling than single eyelids. eg VS
  4. CieL

    The Woolworths Thread

    Me tooooo. Mine's a sexist fuckwit who thinks he's king shit of the store and the rest of the world!
  5. CieL

    Coles Pay Rate

    How old are you? If you are 18 like you say in your profile, you shouldn't be getting $20/hr, it should be around $14-15/hr.. [casual].. Unless they've fucked something up and you're getting paid wayyyy too much But yeah, supervisors do get more money. But it's not based on an hourly rate or...
  6. CieL

    single eyelids vs double eyelids

    Yah. The sticker forces the skin to fold back when she opens her eyes. I had a korean friend who used those stickers.. dunno how long it took, but she has permanent double eyelids now. And another friend of mine had double eyelid surgery. It does NOT take years to heal. It was a slightly darker...
  7. CieL

    The Woolworths Thread

    Work at where? Woolies?
  8. CieL

    Rules for Customers

    lol fair enough Whenever my dad starts to say stupid things to staff I just say, "Shut up dad, stop embarrassing yourself", then drag him away.
  9. CieL

    HPT Hazard Perception Test

    Good luck. It's piss easy. No stress.
  10. CieL

    Rules for Customers

    Okay.. I would of told my mum off if she went into a rant to a staff about the seating bullshit.. Jesus, she should of solved her own problems. How hard is it to tell the guy and their two kids that they're in your seat?! Tell them to move if she was so bothered by the situation. Seriously...
  11. CieL

    Rules for Customers

    Actually FlyBuys accumulates at the end of the day. So if they buy $2 in the day time and scan their card, then $3 sometime else on the same day then scan their card.. the total of $5 will result in one whole point =]
  12. CieL

    HPT Hazard Perception Test

    The HPT hasn't been altered since it was first introduced. Oh and thanks for saying thanks.
  13. CieL

    Rules for Customers

  14. CieL

    favourite cars

    Awww I stood next to an R8 today.. a white one in the city.. I was standing like a street away and suddenly I was like *GASP OMG* "Is that........... no way, is that.......... oooooooooooooooh my gawd it's an R8! R8!! R8!!!" then dragged my friend across the road in the opposite direction of...
  15. CieL

    HPT Hazard Perception Test

    Of all the HPT threads in this forum you had to find the shortest one with the least amount of info on it. All you need is common sense to pass the HPT. You sit at a touch screen. It shows you traffic scenarios or shit that may happen on the roads. It gives you a question like, "touch the...
  16. CieL

    Rules for Customers

    Who the fuck are you?
  17. CieL

    The Coles Thread

    A-hah.. I hate it when they do that.. I don't get why they put down people to do 5.5hrs.. you get paid the same as doing a 5hr shift.. plus you spend more to go eat on your break! And umm.. when you get a meal break, you can actually choose whether you want it to be 30mins or 60mins.. Usually...
  18. CieL

    Rules for Customers

    Oh. lol. I had that problem today.. I was in the line for Maccas and people don't know how to queue properly so were just like crowded in around the front counter.. Anyways, the girl goes, "next waiting", so I jump forward past the guy waiting for his food at the counter.. I ordered then asked...
  19. CieL

    How tall are you?

    170cm =]
  20. CieL

    HPT Hazard Perception Test

    Re: HPT test - serious bizness? Fuck there's a manual for the HPT? Fuck.... people fail?! But honestly, unless you've failed your Ls and/or DART, the HPT is *almost* unfail-able.. I just rocked up, went stab stab stab at the computer screen, and walked out with green P plates and a new licence.