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  1. CieL

    Rules for Customers

    Urgh reminds me of when I used to work in a shop at the food court. This couple ordered a mass of food, and when it came to paying she just chucked her piece of plastic onto the counter in front of my face. When I told her that we don't have a machine for EFTPOS, she gave me a 'wtf' glare... I...
  2. CieL

    GPS recommendations

    Urgh I recommend you to NEVER get a Navman. They totally suck. Like tonight. Was driving home at 2:30am.. and at a t-intersection, it tells me to turn left.. so I look left and right, then I turn left......... then I was like, uhhhhhhh wtf why are cars parked on both sides of the street facing...
  3. CieL

    Rules for Customers

    I did say, "whatever's on the shelf". But the problem was, they looked and sounded like they didnt even bother checking, like it was a spur of the moment realisation it wasn't diet. Plus there weren't any grocery people to help me check anyways. It was just me, another senior also serving, and...
  4. CieL

    Rules for Fat People

    Rule..... Unload your trolley at the end of the conveyor belt, not the side. You won't fit.
  5. CieL


    Urgh there's already a thread on this. I remember every person who worked at subway had a different pay. Some were ridiculously low, and some were way higher, even for the same age. I don't know why, but I remember that was the case. So it might be better to iono.......... ask someone that...
  6. CieL

    Rules for Customers

    This bitch and her bogan bf came to my checkout the other day. She lays down her basket [no unpacking], pulls out a Club Ginger Ale, then asks me if we have a diet version. Honestly, how the fuck should I know. I've never seen it go through, and I assume there isnt, but I said "whatever's on...
  7. CieL

    medical term

    Fast metabolism?
  8. CieL

    What did you just buy NOW thread?

    2 pairs of flats 1 handbag 1 500GB external HDD for friend's bday Revlon eyeliner
  9. CieL

    Foods that make you go 'eww'...

    Well I've had mandarin peel in various sorts of cooking before.. but never in dimsims..
  10. CieL

    Rules for Customers

    Customers: DON'T PUT YOUR FREAKING HANDBAG/SHOPPING ON MY CARRRRRRRRR!!!!! So angry. I've got bloody two sets of scratch marks on the bonnet of my car. One on the upper left which is about 20x15cm, and one just above the badge which is about 10x5cm. A set of diagonal drag marks. Thank you VERY...
  11. CieL

    Working at a bank

    He's just not doing it right.
  12. CieL

    Rules for Customers

    Oh, you shouldn't complain. I used to work as a waitress at King St Wharf. They don't even have a closing time! It's just...... "open till late" I only worked there in the winter, and customers would stay outside and dine until like 2am. We'd take another hour to pack up and eat dinner [yes...
  13. CieL

    Working at a bank

    Yeah I have a few friends which are HS graduates and have had positions at CBA. One girl in my year got straight into recruitment. Which was a surprise to everyone as she wasn't exactly the most uhhh cooperative student. Some other guy started off as a teller.. he's not some analyst.. Another...
  14. CieL

    Rules for Customers

    So you couldn't even just say, "........just a reminder, the store closes at [time]........."?
  15. CieL

    Rules for Customers

    Merrylands Coles by any chance? I've never really had any problems with closing when I'm in charge of the front end. I make sure I'm on the PA alerting customers we close at 10pm. If it's busy, I start asking them to make their way to the front end at 9:50pm. If it's quiet, I ask them to go at...
  16. CieL

    The Coles Thread

    In my shop, when it is quiet, we ask some people to go do some face-up. So it may be possible to ask your CSM/2IC/supervisor if you could try it. Or sometimes I rock up early to work and they ask me to face-up lol Have you tried stacking shelves? It's up to you. You can ask the grocery manager...
  17. CieL

    The Coles Thread

    Uh no. $16s/hr is for a 19yr old casual. When you hit 20+, the casual rate becomes $20.34/hr
  18. CieL

    The Coles Thread

    Re: Coles Deli Wuddie: How about let's make a bullcrap thread like the woolies thread....... cept for Coles and merge all this crap in.
  19. CieL


    Hahha i spent 3 days and nights in there. Living and breathing Crown. Agreed with em. There's heaps of places around Crown [walkable distance] that are so different from Sydney. There's a few alleyways loaded with tiny cafes that just stand out. A certain David Jones has this underground...
  20. CieL

    End of Exams...start of freedom

    YAEY finished. About freaking time.