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  1. _trickster_

    because Jamaican me crazy......... :o

    because Jamaican me crazy......... :o
  2. _trickster_


  3. _trickster_

    Whats the thing you'll miss most next year?

    teachers lol, despite their flaws also the support, that you have at school, its kinda like leaping out into the world.................................. into uni haha
  4. _trickster_


    This is a discussion thread (not a "fml my marks are shit etc etc") There are obviously, expectations that every parent has for their children/child when they grow up, whether itd be continue the family business, do the same stuff that they did, or just generally be successful, in some cases...
  5. _trickster_

    Who likes Annoying Orange?

    NO, it is the WORST THING on youtube, THE WORST
  6. _trickster_

    Download or Buy?

    10gb is huge, how much porn dyou watch mate? theres your problem
  7. _trickster_

    you must be Jamaican...

    you must be Jamaican...
  8. _trickster_

    quick question.

    depends on how often hes been jerking since
  9. _trickster_

    ITT things that make you face palm at the gym.

    bogans/lads in the gym the worst.
  10. _trickster_

    your favourite things

    staying up and sleeping in, girls, music pretty much my life
  11. _trickster_

    How much money do you spent on clothes every month?

    gotta admit, i like shopping, its not too bad expensive clothes are the best, but nowadays ive been shopping at op shops and big w and stuff, cos its cheaper, as opposed to industrie and glue $50 a month, average
  12. _trickster_

    hahaha, your sis sounds cool? how old? and done and done haha, normally wouldnt do this out on...

    hahaha, your sis sounds cool? how old? and done and done haha, normally wouldnt do this out on a limb, but whatevs, and you seem pretty into placebo :D
  13. _trickster_

    Guys - where to buy decent clothes online

    cotton on is occasionally alright try op shops dude, srsly, theyre the best
  14. _trickster_

    mm they sound good, silver lining in any case haha seriously, i think itunes is restricting what...

    mm they sound good, silver lining in any case haha seriously, i think itunes is restricting what kind of music we're listening to, its a serious problem, dont even have bands like acdc, what a joke and ive heard good things about placebo, my mate is totally into punk rock and stuff, should i...
  15. _trickster_

    alternative/rockish??? uuhhhhmmmm, The Living End lol? theyre pretty fantastic

    alternative/rockish??? uuhhhhmmmm, The Living End lol? theyre pretty fantastic
  16. _trickster_

    yeah theyre alright haha, heres one of their clips: YouTube - The Bloody Beetroots ft. Steve...

    yeah theyre alright haha, heres one of their clips: YouTube - The Bloody Beetroots ft. Steve Aoki - Warp 1.9 NEW VIDEO! what about you, what kind are you into?
  17. _trickster_

    ah yeah totally hey are you familiar with the band The Bloody Beetroots?

    ah yeah totally hey are you familiar with the band The Bloody Beetroots?
  18. _trickster_

    pretty much the same lol

    pretty much the same lol
  19. _trickster_

    lol as in, have you been to many?

    lol as in, have you been to many?
  20. _trickster_

    How do you avoid looking like you're FOB?

    hahahah, go blastus, teach dem fobs to be cool i suggest a list