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  1. L


    APRIL FOOLS! even though no one fell for it :(
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    okay guys, when I first saw this I was dumbfounded but now I know its proof that all the mathematics we know is WRONG! okay so suppose: x=y then xy=y^2 xy-x^2=y^2-x^2 x(y-x)=(y-x)(y+x) x=y+x but x=y so x=2x and 1=2!
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    Is 3/4 a Rational Number

    rational numbers are numbers that be written as a/b where a and b are integers.
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    HSC 2012 MX2 Marathon (archive)

    Re: 2012 HSC MX2 Marathon Couldn't you just use the taylor series of e^x?
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    Is sex with someone who is intoxicated rape/sexual assault?

    This is stupid. If someone has a cancer in their brain that presses on the frontal lobe, impairing there judgement, is it illegal to have intercourse? Fuck no. People make mistakes and its the stupid ones who make them more than once.
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    HSC 2012 MX2 Marathon (archive)

    Re: 2012 HSC MX2 Marathon You have opened my eyes, Euler is a genius!
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    HSC 2012 MX2 Marathon (archive)

    Re: 2012 HSC MX2 Marathon Since we are on important mathematical problems, prove P is not NP.
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    Okay, I gave up on the second problem for now as im a bit rusty on my modular arithmetic.
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    Problems. I will attempt later.
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    Killing a baby is the same as getting an abortion

    It makes me sad to say that this may benefit society, and i do believe they are similar. A woman and a man may be ripped part by the difficulty of dealing with a baby as it is, so in some cases this may be acceptable. I don't know, this is moral gray ground.
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    HSC 2012 MX2 Marathon (archive)

    Re: 2012 HSC MX2 Marathon But what I cant understand is why both of methods seem valid and yet they are mutually exclusive.
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    HSC 2012 MX2 Marathon (archive)

    Re: 2012 HSC MX2 Marathon Okay, I cant use latex so I have to explain it. Basically I let the primitive functions of f(x) and f(a-x) be F(x) and F(a-x) respectively. Then I evaluate them as one would usually and I get F(a)-F(0) and F(0)-F(a).
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    HSC 2012 MX2 Marathon (archive)

    Re: 2012 HSC MX2 Marathon Okay, because im feeling like an idiot and getting it consistently wrong apparently.
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    HSC 2012 MX2 Marathon (archive)

    Re: 2012 HSC MX2 Marathon Are you sure this is right, it looks like RHS should be equal to -1*LHS
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    Conics HSC question!

    Definition of an ellipse is a point thats distance from a line and a point are in a fixed ratio, e. So by definition PS/ST= e
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    POLITICAL TRAP: Gillard, Abbott hide from angry protesters

    Firstly, my allegiance lies with the greens so I really don't care about Tony or Julia. What Tony said wasn't racist but it was insensitive. Aboriginal Australian's may have over reacted but this is expected by a group of people who feel suppressed or hurt. It isn't the Aboriginal's or Abott's...
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    Yeah, year 11 and 12 in a year and you do the HSC

    Yeah, year 11 and 12 in a year and you do the HSC
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    About the Tafe course, I just went to the Tafe on the sign up day and applied for HSC chemistry...

    About the Tafe course, I just went to the Tafe on the sign up day and applied for HSC chemistry. All the HSC courses at Tafe are done in one year and they include the prelim stuff.
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    What have you eaten today?

    A brownie, spaghetti bolongese, thai fish cakes, rice.
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    Pure Vs Applied Mathematics

    Card counting is difficult in australia because the casinos use larger decks and auto shufflers, which both decrease the casinos yield and the ease of counting cards.