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  1. Omium

    Yeah, I had the 11pm-7am shift at work :(

    Yeah, I had the 11pm-7am shift at work :(
  2. Omium

    Urgent help needed ( simple question)

    Technically speaking Na+ doesn't exist.
  3. Omium

    Theoretical Economics

    I'm no economics buff, but i just have a few questions in the back of my mind. Is it theoretically possible that all countries in the world will be "developed". Do we "need" poor countries to provide cheap products / cheap labour?
  4. Omium

    I just ripped a motor from a HUGE electric fan. Now what?

    Place it in a magnetic field measure the effects. I've always wondered if an external magnetic field appleed to the outside of a motor would make any difference.
  5. Omium

    fastest way to get abs?

    Draw them on your stomach with a texter?
  6. Omium


    Ok, Imagine you catch the 393. As you walk out of the bus, you go on the main walkway. Keep walking till you reach the Chem Sciences building. Turn into Chemical Sciences (First main entrance) and walk straight to the stairs and walk up them. Keep walking untill you exit the chemical...
  7. Omium

    Postgrad Students

    Cool, what you studying ? To thread poster, most/all the mod's on this part of the forum are postgrads.
  8. Omium

    A question of mortality

    Ill take the million years, Imagine all the physics questions i could do :)
  9. Omium

    Kfc must read 4 ur health

    At my KFC, we had baths in the sink :rolleyes: