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  1. Omium

    The UNSW Daytona Championship

    I have never seen Uncle or darkwolfzx. It will be fun, we awkwardly introduce one another and then play for a while.
  2. Omium

    His first one, Also do you have uni on friday ? If you do are you free 4pm ? We are playing some...

    His first one, Also do you have uni on friday ? If you do are you free 4pm ? We are playing some "Daytona Racing" at the roundhouse
  3. Omium

    As per what "Uncle" said.

    As per what "Uncle" said.
  4. Omium

    The UNSW Daytona Championship

    Ok. But Omie Jay can't make it 4pm friday. How about next week Omie Jay we change the time ? It would be better if we got 4 people, xprshn or kevinx2 any of you guys up for it ?
  5. Omium

    first day worst day

    Trust me i know how you feel, I didn't know anybody that went to UNSW. so i was basically alone for the first few weeks. Don't worry about it, as you go to more tutes and lectures you will get to know some people and become friends. Its a very big adjustment, don't give up. If you're...
  6. Omium

    The UNSW Daytona Championship

    Ok. How about Friday 4pm guys ?
  7. Omium

    The UNSW Daytona Championship

    I've stabbed a dude over 50 cents one time...... lol. To be on the side of caution, no gambling, just fun. I haven't played daytona in about 6 months, however i was pretty average at it. It seems Monday 2pm-3pm is good for everybody?
  8. Omium

    The UNSW Daytona Championship

    Since we never organise any Meets how about a Daytona Championship ? Basically once a week we meet up at the roundhouse, and play a few games of daytona and record results. Just for a little fun. I'm free Monday 2pm- 4pm Wednesday 3pm + Friday 4pm + Forbidden, Omie Jay, darkwolfzx, and...
  9. Omium

    How was your first day at UNSW?

    So how you guys finding it ?
  10. Omium

    arc benefits

    For maccas you get a free upgrade from a medium meal to a large meal.
  11. Omium

    general UNSW chit-chat

    I can relieve you of your macbook :shy:
  12. Omium

    general UNSW chit-chat

    Hey guys, I simply want a laptop to surf uniwide, practice programming "C" at uni, and generally write documents. Anybody got any ideas how much this will set me back ? ($500 ish ? ) Also, do we get any student discounts off the apple store?
  13. Omium

    An important message to first years who want help

    After a few weeks, This thread will die down, I will then make a new thread about the EXACT same thing, once again undermining your thread, and it will get stickied :)
  14. Omium

    The Sleep Thread

    This thread is for all things sleep related such as : How many hours do you sleep ? If you can't get to sleep what do you do ? Whats the best thing to eat to make you sleepy ? What's the best way to make yourself doze off to sleep.
  15. Omium

    zomg whar r teh n0t3z MATH1131

    You can buy the notes from co-op bookshop at a ridiculous mnark-up price.
  16. Omium

    UNSW Food Guide

    At least it didnt take you 1 year to realise there was a Quad Food court :(
  17. Omium

    The Thread for ALL FIRST YEAR QUESTIONS. Also, I dont get it ? :(
  18. Omium

    fastest way to get abs?

    No, He is Half Venezualean and half Cuban