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  1. Dash


    Who needs a gym when you can get a... TOTAL GYM :D
  2. Dash

    Module Order

    I reckon... People are gunna be bored wif space...
  3. Dash


    Yes... all this confusion :p Avatar = Balrog Sig = Illidian (Demon Hunter)
  4. Dash

    choosing higher math and higher computing.

    Dunno if this has been said already... But I'll say it anyway... I ask the dude at the advisory day about the recognition you get for doin higher maths.. He said there was none! Its jus there for people who are... lets say... "BORED!" So yeh, there is no difference... Its jus that higher...
  5. Dash

    The College Life

    Umm... You could check out this link:
  6. Dash

    Physics Summary (Core+ Astrophysics)

    Can someone double check if this summary is still available... I couldn't download it :(
  7. Dash


    My avatar? It's the Balrog from the 1st Lord of the Rings moive... :)
  8. Dash

    favourite ads....

    I liked that one advertising skiddles I think... That grandma is so funny! "Yo Yo Yo check it, I'm a bad grandma..." LOL!
  9. Dash

    Janet Jackson's Nipple Exposure!

    Timberlake is holding the cap! You can see it in his hand if you look closely :p
  10. Dash

    The Next James Bond

    The next James Bond is Hugh Jackman... I'm pretty damn sure :)
  11. Dash

    Janet Jackson's Nipple Exposure!

    Yeh, I saw that too. Go here: Its in slow-mo... and it was a cap! :D Juss look at their reactions... timberlake didn't seem all that surprised :p And Janetz juss tryin to act confused. If it was a 'malfunction' she would be...
  12. Dash

    Quick Question about this forum

    Heh... my point exactly :) YEH YEH....
  13. Dash


    Faradayz Discovery: The EMF induced in a conductor is directly proportional to the rate at which the conductor cuts though the magnetic field lines. In other words, the faster you move the magnet relative to the coil, the amount of EMF induced is increased proportionally...
  14. Dash

    Enough to get in Civil Engineering 2004?

    For the Civil Engineers: I went to the advisory thing 2day... And I asked them about the recognition we get for doing higher maths as opposed to jus maths. He said that there was no benefit... A person doing Maths is no less qualified than a person doing higher maths. They jus get more of a...
  15. Dash

    Quick Question about this forum

    oi... those were recently changed! :p Ah screw it... this is good enuff...
  16. Dash

    Quick Question about this forum

    It wasn't my idea :( *points at fatmuscle* I argued for the option topics only :(
  17. Dash

    question abt re-entry

    LOL you don't get the car link?!?! Okay... um I'll tryin explain it again :p Lets start from the top... Stay we have two identical cars: Car A and Car B. Car A is traveling at 100km/h and Car B is traveling at 60km/h. Once the driver in each car hits the brakes, they have to break within 30...
  18. Dash

    A tip for those entering uni in 2004...

    This is true :) I got a phone when I was in yr 8 for that very purpose... But unfortunately it was stolen in yr 11 :( Shit phone anyway...
  19. Dash

    Enough to get in Civil Engineering 2004?

    Well its important for people to know that they won't be completely surrounded by guys at their lectures and tutes :p