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  1. Dash

    complex number problem

    Maybe he just didn't want the extra workload and was happy with 3u... I mean, that probably would have been my reason for not doing it in his situation.
  2. Dash

    movies and xxx stuff.

    ROFL!! :rofl: Funny guy :p
  3. Dash

    When is the best time to get a part time job?

    Firstly, if your in year 12, you should get a casual job, not part time :) I think most places are recruiting late Feb or early March... Working during HSC and Trial exams is no good :mad: And getting a job at Big W or K Mart or whatever is a good idea...
  4. Dash

    Harry Potter!!

    I thought this thread was about Harry Potter :confused:
  5. Dash

    movies and xxx stuff.

    Dude, thats just plain ugly :(
  6. Dash

    what's the longest book you've read?

    Yeh, Harry Potter 5 was prolly the longest book that I've read... Closely followed by the LOTR books...
  7. Dash

    Reality TV : Like it or not?

    Supermodel was destined to be good from the moment go :)
  8. Dash

    Finding Nemo! :D

    LOL! Thats a good one! Go Gollum! Eat that stupid fish! Kidding! :D
  9. Dash

    Stupid Copywrite Thingy

    Sometimes when I download movies off Kazaa, its all blank. :confused: It really pisses you off when you have to actually msg ppl and ask them whether the movie works or not...
  10. Dash

    "copy cat"

    He lent the assignment to him (which was wrong of him in the first place) so that that other dude would get an "idea" of what to do... Next thing you know, the teacher calls my friend and tells him that he copied his assignment off the net. That other dude said that he wouldn't copy word for...
  11. Dash

    Reality TV : Like it or not?

    I liked survivor and big brother... thats classified as reality TV right? But that new 'Wife Swap' thingo is just plain shit...
  12. Dash

    birthday or hsc??

    I say have your party before the exams. A small one though. You don't want to lose precious brain cells b4 the exams :)
  13. Dash

    When is your enrollment day?

    Enrolled on the 21st (Wednesday) :)
  14. Dash


    To get motivated, I always say to myself... "Just do it you idiot! So you can do something else later!"
  15. Dash

    When is the 2004 HSC timetable released?

    I had a mad timetable for the HSC, but a crap one for the trials! The only thing I regret about it is not having enuff time to study 4 business in the HSC :( But seriously kids, once you do get your timetables start making your preparations... Maybe not straight away, but make sure you know...
  16. Dash

    Comparing Campus and facilities

    I don't like the UTS campus that much... Big ugly buildings... blah! :p
  17. Dash

    uni bags?

    My school bag is pretty huge :p I'm gunna get a shoulder bag b4 I start uni... I'll look like an idiot wif such a big bag :D
  18. Dash

    Experimental prac

    Dunno if someone has said this one before. But just have a simple mass dangle from the moving/stationary object from a string. If it does move, then its accelerating if not, then it is stationary or at constant velocity. I guess the only error that could occur in this experiment would be if...
  19. Dash

    "copy cat"

    I have a friend who had someone copy his IPT assignment word for word without him knowing it! Poor guy, both got 0 for it!
  20. Dash

    Harry Potter!!

    Notion seconded :)