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  1. C

    confusion in UV catastrophe

    there was just another thread on the same topic with a few good answers that should explain it:
  2. C

    Black body Radiation and the Ultraviolet Catastrophy

    True, but they're interesting. In high school I never saw any link between the blackbody graph and E = hf, they just told us to believe it. So here's the full story: Consider an ideal reflecting metal box with a small hole. The inner walls contain charges in constant thermal motion. The...
  3. C

    Comment in The Age Newspaper about Education

    Answer my question
  4. C

    Comment in The Age Newspaper about Education

    Are you one of those people who thinks all you need to be able to teach 3rd grade is to have passed 4th grade? :D
  5. C

    Australia's 2010 World Cup Qualifying Campaign

    it's working fine for me the links will appear about 3 hours from now
  6. C

    World Youth Day

    goddamnit the evangelicals "catholics aren't christians" thing pisses me off THEY'RE THE REAL CHRISTIANS YOU LUNATICS
  7. C

    How Do You Think You'll Get Married?

    does anyone else find traditional weddings overly patriarchal and sexist? A man is supposed to ask a woman's parents if he can 'have' her, then her dad 'gives her away' (as if a woman either belongs to her father or her husband) while she wears a white dress to symbolise her purity and...
  8. C

    No more Africans

    racist bogan zionist cunt
  9. C

    Comment in The Age Newspaper about Education

    working hard at uni? it's easy enough to weasel your way through with Ps without understanding anything if that's what you want to do :D
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    World Youth Day

    pope is antichrist
  11. C

    Does God exist?

    Well they're not exactly going to support their arguments by attempting to show that Hitler agreed with them are they?
  12. C

    Does God exist?

    tying to provoke a response from her, obviously
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    Gravitional force of attraction & field- what's the difference?

    A field is a region of space where a particular type of object will experience a force The field strength is in force per unit -something-, e.g. an electric field is a region where a charged particle will experience a force, and electric field strength is in force per unit charge A...
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    Does God exist?

    Yeah i'm sure a 15 year old girl is smarter than all the ppl who believed in god btw if u think there are scientific arguments disputing His existence then u don't understand science
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    Australian Politics

    Re: Big Talk, Little Action - Kevin Rudd or both
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    Does God exist?

    true puts the fun in fundamentalism! :D
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    Comment in The Age Newspaper about Education

    nah they're not all bad, but John Della Bosca...
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    Comment in The Age Newspaper about Education

    i'm more concerned about the intelligence of education ministers than education students
  19. C

    gay or lesbian, does it matter?

    well they could call themselves that
  20. C

    Science vs. Religion

    Yeah, that's totally even remotely true