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    Now Rudd Pays the Price!

    And the best part, Comments from the Aussie bleeders on it's a long wekend, time to screw the motorists AGAIN !!!!!!! Posted by: brent smith of sydney 2:57pm today And with oil prices on the way DOWN.........................greedy? Oil companies...
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    Now Rudd Pays the Price!,25197,23801059-5013947,00.html Rudd pays personal toll for anger about petrol prices KEVIN Rudd has personally borne the brunt of public anger over rising petrol prices, slumping to his lowest approval since becoming Prime Minister on the widespread...
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    Now Rudd Pays the Price! Clouds loom as oil price soars and petrol hits $1.70 MOTORISTS face petrol prices of up to $1.70 a litre within days and could be paying more than $1.80 a litre by next month...
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    Australia's 2010 World Cup Qualifying Campaign
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    Can an Atheist Please Explain to me how the Earth came about?

    OP only asked where the sun came from not the universe :D
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    Does God exist?

    limbo is a theory that catholics are allowed to believe but it's not dogmatically defined also, islamic purgatory is just hell for a finite period
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    Does God exist?

    The only thing heaven has going for it in most religions is that 'well, at least it's not hell, and you've only got 2 options'.
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    r we becoming more and more stupid??

    Yeah coz u should decide who has a right to an education hey
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    Can an Atheist Please Explain to me how the Earth came about?

    No but seriously, google is your friend. It holds answers to all of life's questions (just watch the source). Astronomers think that the Sun was formed from a giant cloud which was rotating slowly, about five thousand million years ago, and that the Sun is slightly older than the Earth. By...
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    Can an Atheist Please Explain to me how the Earth came about?

    By random chance! It came out of nothing and assembled itself randomly into a planet. Then a goo on earth turned into earthworms, which somehow turned into monkeys, which then turned into us. That's the theory.
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    Religious affiliation

    You mean like the ~50% of aussies who have never read the bible, prayed or been to church (except for their kids' christenings) but still write Christian on the census?
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    Now Rudd Pays the Price!

    There's a bit of evidence the tar sands are already starting to become cost effective just from a quick google news search
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    Now Rudd Pays the Price!

    Does anyone think there's a conspiracy keeping everyone quiet about it?
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    Australia's 2010 World Cup Qualifying Campaign P2P link for ppl without pay tv that seems to suggest it starts at 3am
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    Now Rudd Pays the Price!

    They're bogans, you can't expect them to know anything not presented in 2 minute infotainment stories on ch nein news Meanwhile the world keeps using the equivalent of 84 million barrels per day :D
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    Now Rudd Pays the Price!

    I meant that's why you can't blame anyone for not knowing :D
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    Now Rudd Pays the Price!

    It hasn't been in the commercial media ever though They mention the war, arab bureaucrats talking shit about israel, offshore rigs or refineries getting taken out by storms, blah blah, but never LOL THERE'S ONLY A FINITE AMOUNT OF OIL AND THE DEMAND IS INCREASING EXPONENTIALLY
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    Now Rudd Pays the Price!

    Other peoples' suffering is funny, especially when they're poor & dumb EDIT: Also, people who call for lower petrol prices seem to never stop and think "hmm, where's all this petrol coming from anyway?"
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    r we becoming more and more stupid??

    It's simple guys Stupid bogans have heaps of kids Smart, intelligent, decent people have none and focus on their careers/mcmansions/sports cars We're evolving to become more stupid (and ugly) with each generation :uhhuh: