Search results

  1. wrxsti

    Should I buy?

    Customer build your pc at: you can build a MASSIVELY POWERFUL GAMING COMPUTER for less then $1200, if thats what your after. The price above is for the Intel CPU, getting the AMD CPU is significantly cheaper.
  2. wrxsti

    Web Designer

    Html for you wouldnt be the right way. Go ahead and use MS 'frontpage', its basically like paint and word combined that automatically convert your texts and pics into html code. Then just use a FTP to upload your website to your desired web hoster. Hint: Right click on a website that you think...
  3. wrxsti

    Inside info WANTED!

    Alumni green sucks!
  4. wrxsti

    Good Stand up Comedians? Good Comedy?

    A comedy show called: "Lebanon with love" :D
  5. wrxsti

    Cricket Season 2007/2008

    After Mcgrath and Warnie: Aussie Bowling domination was lost and will be lost for many years to come. As i supporter for any team against Australia, I cant believe they didnt drop hayden for the sydney test.
  6. wrxsti

    is my nintendo ds broken?

    dont think she got that either.
  7. wrxsti

    Inside info WANTED!
  8. wrxsti

    PC on 24/7

    Very interesting question. I turn my computer off everynight before i sleep. I heard that its better to leave your computer on 24hrs, because turning the computer on & off can damage your hardware. Apparently the solders on your motherboard expand and contract when the computer is turned off and...
  9. wrxsti

    Burnt out PSU

    Dust can really fuck up your computer! Open the side, and shove a vacuum cleaner in there ;)
  10. wrxsti

    B . Construction at UTS

    Honestly, B Construction to me, sounds like a glorified trade, ive looked at the units offered, and its a basic construction trade, with emphasis on legal and financial aspects on projects.
  11. wrxsti

    Israel–Gaza conflict

    Re: Israeli Gaza Airstrikes Hi.. Israel=Bad Palestine=Good
  12. wrxsti

    B . Construction at UTS

    B Civil Engineering (Construction) is more superior! Do you want more money?
  13. wrxsti

    Burnt out PSU

    Yes definitely, most likely your mobo if anything is damaged. Take it to your local comp store, and let them test it. Or get a test kit from DSE. How longs a piece of string? anywhere from $30 to $600. Note: how long till your PSU burnt out? Did you just build your comp? Also may want to...
  14. wrxsti

    TV as second monitor.

    Does your tv have a hdmi port? Does your video card support HDMI? If 'yes' for both. Then go ahead, its the best possible solution with superior video and sound quality.
  15. wrxsti

    About Time

    someone who still follows WWE, has no respect from me! :p
  16. wrxsti

    Prison Break (Australian tv followers - no spoilers)

    You should consider yourself very 'sad' if your following prison break from Australian TV. It'll take Aussie tv to play 1 season of prison break throughout 3 years. I just download and watch, im up to Season 4, Epidsode 15. Episode 16 airs wednesday night in American :D. Note: ''SCYLLA'' is...
  17. wrxsti

    Game of the Year 2008

    u serious? ive only heard bad things about it, the reason why im reluctant to grab a copy. How would u rate it against GTA: San Andreas, if uve played it?
  18. wrxsti

    Burglar jailed for 17 years

    Capital Punishment is YOUR FRIEND!
  19. wrxsti

    Game of the Year 2008

    i know its not 2008, but COD4!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!