Search results

  1. davidbarnes

    Food Labelling and Alcohol Health Warnings

    Re: jesus fuck Labelling food better is good. Calling food inspectors 'food police' is just for the lolz...
  2. davidbarnes

    Flood levy

    I understand what you are saying there. Many people have donated out of the kindness o their hearts and may not be so kind next time a major disaster strikes Australia. I would agree that this is the most concerning aspect about the levy and whether people will doante next time or not or simply...
  3. davidbarnes

    Flood levy

    I am not a 'lefty' as you put it, I don't favour any side of politics. I go with what makes sense. In this case the government needs money to rebuild Australia and help our fellow Aussies out and a levy had to be imposed. If we had the money sitting there doing nothing then I would obviously...
  4. davidbarnes

    Flood levy

    We don't have the money up front for the NBN, NBNco has to borrow bonds to pay for its construction. As both Gillard and Abbott have ruled out borrowing money to pay for the Flood reconstruction effort, then this is a moot point/end of it. The NBN is not a waste of money, it will actually turn...
  5. davidbarnes

    Walking INTO lectures...

    No one will care. 50 people is fine, not a problem at all. If the 'lecture' is held in a classroom (and not a lecture theatre) where there are only 10 students and the professor knows each of them personally (higher year math classes for example) then that may be conspicuous. If you just asked...
  6. davidbarnes

    Post your desktop screenshot.

    Re: Post your desktop screenshot Do you have a link to that background image/where to download it?
  7. davidbarnes

    Flood levy

    Taxes are obviously bad in general and no one likes paying taxes. In principal however, the levy is needed and we all understand that Qld and flood affected areas are a national priority and do require financial help in rebuilding critical infrastructure. How the levy has been applied (in its...
  8. davidbarnes

    Attaching batteries to your pen?

    This is one of the stupidest things I have ever heard.
  9. davidbarnes

    Does anyone know much about Surveying at UNSW?

    Surveying involves both outdoor work (in the field collecting data using GPS, instruments taking shots, setting out buildings, pegging boundaries etc) and office work (reducing data, producing graphics, producing plans). The starting salary is about the same for graduate surveyors/engineers. One...
  10. davidbarnes

    Post your desktop screenshot.

    Re: Post your desktop screenshot 11
  11. davidbarnes

    Laptops for Uni

    Re: Is there any use bringing a laptop to uni? If you are doing engineering/science, forget about it.
  12. davidbarnes

    Nintendo 3DS

    Don't use my DSi hardly at all as it is, so no.
  13. davidbarnes

    Need a general ed

    Have you done this/know what it is like?
  14. davidbarnes

    Need a general ed

    I thought I had enrolled in the Astronomy General ed although it seems I did not (or no longer am) and its not full. So what are peoples suggestions for a 6 unit gen ed course to do?
  15. davidbarnes

    UNSW vs USyd in computer science

    I would think it is not. The tone seems correct, yet there is a noticeable absense of uppercasing the start of any sentence or nouns etc.
  16. davidbarnes

    Who supports the Green's initiative to abolish university fees?

    America has good universities, no one denies they have some of the best in the world. However, they are extremely hard to get into and extremely expensive. We do not want that in Australia. Case closed.
  17. davidbarnes

    Chinese parenting compared to Western

    That article is ridiculous. No children should live like that.
  18. davidbarnes

    BoS meat for 2011 first years

    Meliz92 = Amelia?
  19. davidbarnes

    Never go to Ukraine

    Eww. I had never heard of those/that before. Reminds me of the movies Hostel/Hostel 2.