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  1. davidbarnes

    There is no such thing as the freemarket

    You are learning. Well done.
  2. davidbarnes

    Stirring up hate against Muslims again

    First off, Andrew Bolt is an idiot in general. However, I do support the view in this article on Islamic immigration. I oppose the Islamic only toilets at a Melbourne uni, that is wrong and there would be outrage if there were Christian only toilets or Jewish only toilets etc. It should be no...
  3. davidbarnes

    Keneally to say sorry to NSW voters

    I like Chris Bowen myself.
  4. davidbarnes

    hahaha hillary clinton

    I don't get it. Marijuana will be legalized (in small quantities) within our lifetimes in Australia.
  5. davidbarnes

    Concession stickers

    Just go in March and the ques will have died by then.
  6. davidbarnes

    Civil Engineering

    1. Uni. Tafe won't cut it (not to become a proper/registered/chartered engineer anyway). 2. 90 3. Math Ext 1, Physics, Chem 4. USYD/UNSW/UTS 5. 4 (5 at UTS). Then you get a job. 6. Good
  7. davidbarnes

    Laptops for Uni

    Re: Is there any use bringing a laptop to uni? After your first semester you will realise a laptop at uni is pretty pointless for the most part.
  8. davidbarnes

    Do you smoke?

    I hate smoking. Google 'e-cig'.
  9. davidbarnes

    70 WAM. Easy or difficult?

    70 is not easy at all, it is still a ton of work to have a wam of 70.
  10. davidbarnes

    Punchbowl KFC

    Aren't you Islamic?
  11. davidbarnes

    Keneally to say sorry to NSW voters

    I do live in NSW. The only NSW Liberal policies I have heard so far are: - Cut public service jobs - Cut the proposed rail/road links to Western Sydney - Keep the Labor proposed ethics classes - Introduce more warning lights at school crossings/zones (which I agree with and is a godo thing)...
  12. davidbarnes

    What do you plan to wear to UNI?

    Wear anything really.
  13. davidbarnes

    Keneally to say sorry to NSW voters

    She comes across well at press conferences and her policy's haven't had a negative impact on me. Some members of the Labor party are idiots though, certainly. However there are more 'good' ministers in Labor than in the state Liberal party. O'Farrel and his transport woman, Berekekian or however...
  14. davidbarnes

    Keneally to say sorry to NSW voters

    No, I am serious. Keneally is doing a better job tham Iemma or Rees before her. There is a proverb that goes something like "the devil you know is better than the devil you don't" or something. You will find a lot of people refuse to vote Liberal (not me, althoguh those people do exist)...
  15. davidbarnes

    Keneally to say sorry to NSW voters

    Keneally is doing a bloody fine job. I will be voting for her. I don't mind O'Farrel either though. He seems like a good guy. However the rest of his party are idiots even if he doesn't seem to be, thus I won't vote for him.
  16. davidbarnes

    There is no such thing as the freemarket

    'The free Market' is the excuse wankers claim for making the rich wealthier.
  17. davidbarnes

    Free Engineers Australia Membership For Students

    I agree. It would be better if some were in the city instead of Chatswood all the time.
  18. davidbarnes

    Heal our Land - Stand for Righteousness

    What an absolute idiot! Is he a member of the Australian Tea Party or something lol?
  19. davidbarnes


    UNSW charges for you to join lots of clubs also. You also have to be a member of the uni society (whatever its called) to join some of them which costs so much each year.