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  1. davidbarnes

    Are you working?

  2. davidbarnes

    PHYS1121/1131 Requires which Laboratory Manual?

    I'll sell you a completed one (i.e. with answers) if you want it. The labs are worth what, 30% of the course or something?
  3. davidbarnes

    Egyptian Revolution

    Re: What do you think of the current revolution in Egypt? Goneski.
  4. davidbarnes

    The Crises of Capitalism

    I agree. When people start swearing at you and attacking you when you reply, its simply not worth replying again in the thread.
  5. davidbarnes

    The working class is nonsensical and starting to piss me off

    Supply and demand ay. There is a huge teacher shortage, thus by your own logic they should be extrememly highly paid.
  6. davidbarnes

    miscegenation y/n

    I'm not saying race comes into it at all.
  7. davidbarnes

    The working class is nonsensical and starting to piss me off

    Teachers do a hugely important job in helping teach future doctors, lawyers, businessmen, politicians and every other functioning member of society. They deserve more reward for the effort they put in. Teaching is not easy.
  8. davidbarnes

    Mark my fuckin' essay!

    Maybe you just didn't submit it.
  9. davidbarnes

    HSC Geography Notes and Skills

    Kleeman (spelling?) has a decent book.
  10. davidbarnes

    Mark my fuckin' essay!

    English: $20 per essay SOR: $15 per essay Best price, 'brazh'
  11. davidbarnes

    miscegenation y/n

    No longer the 18th century anymore mate.
  12. davidbarnes

    UFO sighting in jerusalem

    Interesting. Looked nonsensical and fake until it shot off.
  13. davidbarnes

    The Crises of Capitalism

    Are you gay or something? Whatever floats your boat I guess.
  14. davidbarnes

    NBN costs 24 times that of South Korea's with one tenth of the speed

    How? Telstra and Optus have had years to do a massive fibre rollout and haven't. If private enterprise done it, only the most profitable suburbs in the capital cities would get it.
  15. davidbarnes

    The working class is nonsensical and starting to piss me off

    Middle class and working class are the same thing. This thread doesn't make a whole lot of sense either.
  16. davidbarnes

    NBN costs 24 times that of South Korea's with one tenth of the speed

    The graphic with that article and the article itself is incorrect. The NBN will be capable of offering speeds (eventually) of 1000 Mbs, which is equal to that of South Korea. Initally the maximum plan is 100Mbs, however using the fibre optic cable it is possible to offer speeds of 1000Mbs...