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  1. davidbarnes

    if my lecture is full...

    Yes, just attend it. Roll call is not taken in lectures.
  2. davidbarnes

    NSW State Election Campaign discussion

    So, Labor it is then.
  3. davidbarnes

    UNSW Food Guide

    Re: UNSW Food - Expensive or Cheap? The chemist there is cheaper than all of the ARC stores (by a $1 or so on a 600ml bottle say) for drinks and a lot of other things also. There is 'cheap' food to be found, also more expensive food. Quad food court has the best food (western mostly, some...
  4. davidbarnes

    UNSW O Week Funny

    My favorite/funniest stall so far has been the stall where everyone is wearing red T-Shirts which, in huge font, say "Fuck Off Liberal Scum". Got to say, I also found it funny that the Liberal Party stalls all feature large posters of John Howard considering he was 4 years ago now. The USNW...
  5. davidbarnes

    New Zealand Earthquake "NEW Zealand Prime Minister John said that 65 people were confirmed dead after a 6.3-magnitude earthquake struck Christchurch today. Mr Kay added that the toll was expected to...
  6. davidbarnes

    Letters and Numbers Club?

    I've watched the show a few times. Its different, a bit repetitive also. I too thought it was some real old show at first also.
  7. davidbarnes

    NSW State Election Campaign discussion

    Your avatar is Margaret Thatcher, Nuff' said.
  8. davidbarnes

    NSW State Election Campaign discussion

    Yes, I understand that. The l=claim is not absurb however. Lets not forget near naked Peter Debnam and near naked Tony Abbott. Wait, maybe there is a connection before Liberal Leaders, speedos and losing elections? Has O'farrel donned the speedos yet?
  9. davidbarnes

    NSW State Election Campaign discussion

    Excuse me? I am in the middle/moderate.
  10. davidbarnes

    NSW State Election Campaign discussion

    Developers are not all bad. Just bevause your view is an outlier (remember there is a federal Labor government now) does not mean everyone else is screwed up, perhaps you are the screwed up one.
  11. davidbarnes

    NSW State Election Campaign discussion

    I agree with you about the bolded items. I'm not voting Liberal, as are a lot of people. I will most liekly vote Labor, although are still undecided.
  12. davidbarnes

    NSW State Election Campaign discussion

    I say the same about you. As do a majority of people nationally currently as we have a Labor government. Security should be armed also. It is good policy. This poll also needs a third option for the Greens.
  13. davidbarnes

    NSW State Election Campaign discussion

    I'm voting Labor as are a lot of people I know.
  14. davidbarnes


    12 Gb of porn is certainly possible to download in one day and my connection is not even that good.
  15. davidbarnes

    BoS meat for 2011 first years

    Someone is bringing totes? (weed) When/where is this anyway?
  16. davidbarnes

    greens voters

    Tony Abbott?
  17. davidbarnes

    FREE Geography online tutoring

    What HSC subjects did you do again fail 1?