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  1. davidbarnes

    greens voters

    Equality is good. Abortion is still illegal in Queensland somehow in this day and age. A young couple are currently before the court system in Queensland as they terminated their as yet unborn 'baby'.
  2. davidbarnes

    FREE Geography online tutoring

    Excuse me?
  3. davidbarnes

    FREE Geography online tutoring

    I can help out with marking essays also if you want. I too got a band 6 in Geo and done Tourism for People & Economic activity.
  4. davidbarnes

    Mark my essay

    Re: Fuckin' mark my shit essay, cunt! 8/15
  5. davidbarnes

    What are you going to do at uni

    ? You can't be serious.
  6. davidbarnes

    What are you going to do at uni

    There is a gay meet up toilet block somewhere at Uni New South Wales. Google it. Can't remember how I found out abotu it, but something you'd defiantly want to avoid.
  7. davidbarnes

    Difference between asian imports and Australian born asians

    1. Eating habbits I also dislike how people talk Chinese amongst themselves (or any other language for that matter) as I can't understand it. English is the national language in Australia.
  8. davidbarnes


    I believe what you said is correct. Best way to check though would be to get in touch with the uni you intend going to and ask them.
  9. davidbarnes

    What time and how do you plan to get to UNI

    5 minutes before whenever my lecture/tute is.
  10. davidbarnes

    Are you working?

    Of course you would as transport is cheaper then.
  11. davidbarnes

    How much do tutoring companies/ colleges charge

    I know of at least 8 off of the top of my head so I'll take the over 9 lol.
  12. davidbarnes

    greens voters

    The Greens are a future prime minister and government in our life time. It will happen. Get used to Australia (and many other democratic nations) accepting better social value policies, such as legalized abortion, legalized gay marriage, greater separation of church and state etc
  13. davidbarnes

    Accommodation / Room Share

    Good luck. You won't find anywhere there for that price (unless its like a 2 bedroom flat subletted to 8 people with someone living in the laundry, someone living on the balcony under a tarpaulin etc).
  14. davidbarnes

    How much do tutoring companies/ colleges charge

    The tuition companies screen the tutors though and only hire people half decent.
  15. davidbarnes

    Working at KFC

    KFC pays better than I thought actually.
  16. davidbarnes

    Mark my fuckin' essay!

    Ohhh, classical greek I hope. Fail troll, you are a fail Matthew Goodwin.
  17. davidbarnes

    Mark my fuckin' essay!

    What subject are they for? Send me one and I'll mark it for you.
  18. davidbarnes

    The working class is nonsensical and starting to piss me off

    They most certainly are on the rise. In our lifetime we will see a green led government.