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  1. davidbarnes

    ARC @ unsw

    The 'free' stuff is not worth $69. A couple o0f years ago membership cost $130 or so.
  2. davidbarnes

    o-week and access membership card?

    USyd has a strip club?
  3. davidbarnes

    How much do you have to spend on textbooks?

    I could only find the third edition also. Usenet is the way to go now days.
  4. davidbarnes

    Why is there no recess/lunch? + What happens if i get detention

    UNSW sells them at the ARC shops there.
  5. davidbarnes

    How much do you have to spend on textbooks?

    Amazon link to the book? Will take a look
  6. davidbarnes

    70 WAM. Easy or difficult?

    Seriosly what lolz?
  7. davidbarnes

    ARC @ unsw

    Half the 'clubs' are free. The other half mostly charge $5 for ARC members and $10 for non ARC members. Some clubs won't let you join if you are not an ARC member due to Insurance issues (adventure club etc, some sporting clubs).
  8. davidbarnes

    Are you working?

    Doesn't it say 'working' disqualifies you, i.e. you don't have to be fulltime.
  9. davidbarnes

    Do you think climate change is real, and man made?

    The unAustralian really annoys me as well. It does not provide balanced reporting at all, rather everything has a right wing spin to it, especially with regards to the environment/climate change and the NBN etc.
  10. davidbarnes

    Do you think climate change is real, and man made?

    This is what annoys me the most, people publishing/spruiking one way or the other when they are not really trained enough to understand the dynamics of it. I.e. Piers Akerman/Andrew Bolt, two newspaper columnists ('columnists' are allowed to publish what they like without factual proof as they...
  11. davidbarnes

    v-day: for those who are single

    I love rain.
  12. davidbarnes

    Why do people wear sneakers if they're not exercising?

    What else are you supposed to wear?
  13. davidbarnes

    Do you think climate change is real, and man made?

    The 'right' side of Politics columnists and letter writers to newspapers are a joke how they claim that climate change is a Greens/New World order/'other nutjob theory' conspiracy theory. Do I think humans have an effect on climate change? Absolutely. However, how big or small that effect is...
  14. davidbarnes

    UNSW entry

  15. davidbarnes

    Are you working?

    Not sure yet.
  16. davidbarnes

    Are you working?

    Sounds a great idea in principle, however you will most likely never listen to the tapes ever. Most lectures are at least audio recorded and made available online to students enrolled in the course anyway.
  17. davidbarnes

    The Crises of Capitalism

    So we have finally decided capitalism is not all that great in fact. Took bloody long enough.
  18. davidbarnes

    Lion vs 40 Midgets

    I'd take the humans side.
  19. davidbarnes

    PHYS1121/1131 Requires which Laboratory Manual?

    Matthew Goodwin (a.k.a. Bored of fail #1,2,3, etc and random-1003,1004,1005,1006 and a heap of other troll accounts), please leave your basement and experience the real world. That is all.
  20. davidbarnes

    PHYS1121/1131 Requires which Laboratory Manual?

    I don't think you get it Bored of fail 1. You don't, although I'm sure others do.