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  1. imZerroo

    Type or Write?

    I write. So much more easier to memorise when you have written them yourself. I don't think it's very time consuming tbh. It took me in total ~6 hours to do one bio topic. However, it's very hard to change and stuff when you write and it can get messy some time. But yeh, I would rather write...
  2. imZerroo

    Do you rewrite questions from the question booklet to your writing booklet?

    i do it for maths. for physics i write down the numbers, makes it very clear as to what formula/e to use.
  3. imZerroo

    this girl [not troll]

    discussing my sexuality?
  4. imZerroo

    this girl [not troll]

    so what i have to be nice to you just so that i can share a maths book with you? wow no thank you. i will borrow one myself :p
  5. imZerroo

    UMAT Fluke??

    i left out a question in section 3 :o as in, i didn't even answer it. i thought i would get back to it, but didn't and when they said pens/pencils down i realised but didn't wanna take a risk.
  6. imZerroo

    The friendzone.

    as far as i know, girls don't like talking about other girls to guys at all... unless they wanna bitch, in my experience.
  7. imZerroo

    this girl [not troll]

    bro, you're such a creep, every thread you ask if the chick is hot :p @OP, how long have you liked her? liking her for 5 years and not making a move sounds painful. has she given you any signs though? is she touchy?
  8. imZerroo

    Present from Dr_Fresh to potential medical students

    ye i know what you mean. im not smart so i probably screwed up umat.. also, another q. if i do another 3 year course other than medical science, would i be at a disadvantage? (except the fact that gamsat would seem more harder to me than those doing med science.)
  9. imZerroo

    Present from Dr_Fresh to potential medical students

    wooohoooo! i do all three sciences :L why would they test physics though? meh good for me, i like physics . the way you say it makes GAMSAT look harder than UMAT where other people have told me GAMSAT is wayy easier. Anyways, thanks for your help.
  10. imZerroo

    Present from Dr_Fresh to potential medical students

    Hey, would you know how hard GAMSAT is? I heard its more science based rather than skill based like UMAT. Also, comparatively, what are the chances of doing postgrad medicine over undergrad? Is it easier or harder? thnnks in advance.
  11. imZerroo

    CSSA Physics

    Re: Question on difficulty of CSSA physics i said 2F because iirc some calculation i ended up with 0.1F and 0.2F, did anyone else get those?
  12. imZerroo

    Graduation songs..

    Jay Z- Forever Young
  13. imZerroo

    CSSA Physics

    2.02 A up the page? or out of the page, i dont remember but it was 2.02 A :D woooo, 2 marks.
  14. imZerroo

    Help :(

    it's better than keeping things bottled up inside. /
  15. imZerroo

    Help :(

    OP, here is one of my favourite quotes... .: "Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional." He has obviously hurt you, you will feel the pain. You don't know the reason yet, so wait until after the trials to try and sort this out with him. During the trials I have gone through so much shit...
  16. imZerroo

    CSSA Physics

    the 8 marker was baddd.. hopefully pulled up to 5-6 :(
  17. imZerroo

    Ready for physics tomorrow?

    omg u finiished? i hate youso much.
  18. imZerroo

    Being late all the time to school.

    same, i wake up at 8.30 and school starts at 8.45. get there at like 8.50-8.55, and my teacher doesn't give a crap. love it.
  19. imZerroo

    Ready for physics tomorrow?

    u underestimate yourself too much :p
  20. imZerroo

    Magnetic Flux Density

    ohhh to opppose !!! makes sense. thnks. :)