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  1. imZerroo

    Who's going to UNI OPEN DAYS?

    Are open days really that helpful? My sister said you can basically find everything you want on their websites and if anything, they just try to make you come to their uni by saying all this nice stuff and that's all. Has anyone else been to an open day, how beneficial is it?
  2. imZerroo

    Is there anybody who thinks they have a BAD cohort this year?

    no friggin way. science at our school is so compettitive. there aren't many people doing bio, chem physics at our school but people who do it are bloody smart and work hard. so hard to beat them.
  3. imZerroo

    What are you guys doing now to study for the HSC?

    2months month1: write and memorise ALL notes. month2: past papers, past papers, past papers. will i do that? no. sigh.
  4. imZerroo

    Life advice?

    my sig. so very true.
  5. imZerroo

    Olives - Love or Hate them?

    i love cooked olives. but i cannot eat them raw... yuck ! in salads, depends on my mood.
  6. imZerroo

    How did You Cut Your sandwiches

    diagonally; easier to not eat the sides.
  7. imZerroo

    what did you get done today?

    went over my chem test. fml
  8. imZerroo

    wtf do i do guize...

  9. imZerroo

    How crazy would it be to have a girlfriend

    i have a feeling you might not be doing it right then..
  10. imZerroo

    what girls like

    hate it when people want you to change. never gonna change.
  11. imZerroo

    Best Trial exam so far?

    ext.1 math was relatively easier. better than what i thought at least.
  12. imZerroo

    Which ethnicities/ethnicity is a NO for you?

    Asians, blondes, africans and abos.
  13. imZerroo

    Dr_Fresh's Lonely Hearts Thread

    or male companionship. so any guy interested?
  14. imZerroo

    Cssa mx1

    could someone pm it to me as well? thanks.
  15. imZerroo

    what girls like

    do u speak for a majority or just for yourself? if for most of the girls, thanks for advice :D :p
  16. imZerroo

    What now?

    one week break minimum. i will be going to school that 1 week and getting back trials, thats enough studying/going over stuff for a week. anything more will make me go crazy.
  17. imZerroo

    Is Physics harder than Ext 2 Maths?

    probably not.