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  1. imZerroo

    yay hi-5 :) how do you reckon you went in it?

    yay hi-5 :) how do you reckon you went in it?
  2. imZerroo

    heey judging by your subjects and all.. by any chance, do you wanna do medicine??

    heey judging by your subjects and all.. by any chance, do you wanna do medicine??
  3. imZerroo

    ohh and also, i prefer to think of myself as lucky, not smart coz we had a 6 marker about...

    ohh and also, i prefer to think of myself as lucky, not smart coz we had a 6 marker about political/social implications of ammonia, and due to your answer i got 5. have fun. bye.
  4. imZerroo

    ahaha thanks for the appreciation. your comments are OK too :p nah jks, they are 100% right...

    ahaha thanks for the appreciation. your comments are OK too :p nah jks, they are 100% right. nyways.. i wanna sleep early today. ttyl. bye.
  5. imZerroo

    nooo... butt eew english. btw i've kinda started to like chem after the trials mainly coz i got...

    nooo... butt eew english. btw i've kinda started to like chem after the trials mainly coz i got 77 for it and came 2nd. so yee thanks heappssssssss and heappssss for your help right before the trials. cant believe i left so much till last day/night :( tell me if you ever need help for anything...
  6. imZerroo

    haven't started fully stressing yet, maybe soon lol howz your study going though? finished your...

    haven't started fully stressing yet, maybe soon lol howz your study going though? finished your syllabus and everything yet?
  7. imZerroo

    heey, how you been??

    heey, how you been??
  8. imZerroo

    This Check-out chick...

    highly doubt it
  9. imZerroo

    Post your CSSA MARKS HERE!

    yeeee you do standard, i do esl :L
  10. imZerroo

    Post your CSSA MARKS HERE!

    we had like 7 assessment tasks before the trials, and i worked hard for most of em. all i studied was get 5 techniques for each of my text and remember them. teacher made us do 2 practice essays in class and a lot of listening papers. thats basically all i studied tbh. i would appreciate it if...
  11. imZerroo

    Post your CSSA MARKS HERE!

    Wow.. I did 9 pages for belonging. Australian Voices- Movie: Castle- i did 7 pages i think and Living and Working in the Community: i did 5-6 pages. I got 20 for all of em. Made my teacher mark it again yesterday, and she found like 10 mistakes in my belonging essay and im like what should i...
  12. imZerroo

    Biomedical Engineering

    aaah crap ! this is the only thing i like if i dont make it to medicine.
  13. imZerroo

    The end of high school is near...

    oh and obviously english.... aaaaaaaargh !!!!!!!!!
  14. imZerroo

    The end of high school is near...

    imma miss it i reckon but gonna love the freedom after it's overrrrr !
  15. imZerroo

    Perms and combs is the hardest shit ever!! HELP

    agreed... sometimes the questions are so ambiguous. but yeh i shy away from them a lot, i might do what spiralfex suggested, if i can be bothered that is..
  16. imZerroo

    should i drop a subject now?

    We only have 1 ext. class and A LOT of my friends decided to drop after year 11. i told em all to do the same thing as you coz the ext. teacher was the best i've ever seen. now, no offence to them, but they are getting really bad marks and would've done a lot better. the 2U teachers are...
  17. imZerroo

    Post your CSSA MARKS HERE!

    i got 20/20 for all three essays but when i read over them, im like WTF, srsly 20 for this bs? im getting my friends in standard and advance to just look at em once and give me feedback. i tried asking this teacher who teaches advance to check one of my sample essays and she told me off and...
  18. imZerroo

    Favourite Prelim Subject

    Found maths fun last year. Good teacher and good class. Physics was fun as well, just didn't like that last cosmic engine topic. still loath it.
  19. imZerroo

    should i drop a subject now?

    dw bout post year 12. do whatever is best for your atar. if chem is time consuming, then drop it. if it's not gonna count towards your 10 units, then drop it.
  20. imZerroo

    How much do you sleep?

    Sleep like 10 hours when exams are over, but during exams, 4 hours max lol i have no control over my sleep, cant wake up when i should etc.