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  1. Shadowdude

    UNSW Sem 1 Final Exams Thread

    I have good memories of a Saturday morning exam Friend of mine called me the night before: "SD, are you taking the train in tomorrow?! (Yes) pls come catch the 7:18am train from --------, I'll be in the second carriage from the front, bottom deck, let's study buddy" I'm waiting on the platform...
  2. Shadowdude

    Short Story on the Theme Dark Humour!

    just say "it's mine" and log in to bos in front of your teacher simple
  3. Shadowdude

    Uni students, interns and graduates - share your story here!

    Well, we all have grandiose dreams and it'd be nice to referee an A-League match one day, but unfortunately as a fan of one of the A-League teams... I don't think they'd allow that (*insert diatribe about Peter Green, from Brisbane, refereeing the Brisbane Roar v WSW grand final...*) The...
  4. Shadowdude

    Uni students, interns and graduates - share your story here!

    crap I was supposed to write this So umm.. my first job ever was football refereeing. The story of how I came to that is quite long but it pretty much came down to the fact that I was in second year of uni, so many other people in my grade were already in the workforce, and although I was at...
  5. Shadowdude

    Western Sydney Careers Expo 2015

    can confirm UNSW is the best
  6. Shadowdude

    My Romantic Day

    ahahaha in a perfect world yes I'm doing a presentation tomorrow in my English class The gender breakdown is 20 women, 2 men I have to be very careful with my words esp. concerning women and other groups of people, need to use the correct language and offend zero people or else
  7. Shadowdude

    My Romantic Day

    "and then we both proceeded to walk around each other." first thought: r13a2VUTajU (see dance moves in the first part of the first chorus, and chorus lyrics)
  8. Shadowdude

    My Romantic Day

    librah pls
  9. Shadowdude

    Studying @ UNSW – a guide from a student

    needs to be updated with more "UNSW Opal Card Savings Society" references
  10. Shadowdude

    Suggestions for Recreational Activities for Small Friend Groups

    Actually we got a letter from the NSW Ministry of Transport clearing us of any illegality :)
  11. Shadowdude

    Uni students, interns and graduates - share your story here!

    So you want... post-grads? Or do you want any person who just has had at least one job?
  12. Shadowdude

    Suggestions for Recreational Activities for Small Friend Groups

    you say that now and then when you're paying $30 a week when the rest of us are paying $7.50...
  13. Shadowdude

    Suggestions for Recreational Activities for Small Friend Groups

    when you get to uni next year: unsw opal card savings society opal runs save money on your opal card
  14. Shadowdude

    Social Research and Policy UNSW

    I have a few friends who do that in Arts - it's pretty much social work but with a focus on the policy side rather than the practical side. I'd suggest coming to UNSW Open Day in September or so to ask in person to the lecturers and the like who can answer your questions better But I know two...
  15. Shadowdude

    Paying for first date????

    "hey bby let's talk about..."
  16. Shadowdude

    Paying for first date????

    who even drinks sparkling :(
  17. Shadowdude

    Paying for first date????

    As in like at a restaurant, you order a glass of water or something and it's usually free kinda like maccas