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  1. Scissors

    How tall are you?

    me is. me is 183 cm. me is a baboon.
  2. Scissors

    We are paying $238,000 in tax dollars for every single auto manufacturing employee

    i'm pretty ill-versed in politics, so fill me in.
  3. Scissors

    Greatest ever game created....ever

    <33 this game
  4. Scissors

    What is your motivation to study?

    also, you can't disgrace your race.
  5. Scissors

    We are paying $238,000 in tax dollars for every single auto manufacturing employee

    david trollfield actually raised a pretty interesting point yesterday, or rather today. why are we sending so much money to indonesia when we need the money ourselves? i know that it's to maintain smooth international relations, but i mean, please, i'd rather have a proper health care system...
  6. Scissors

    Would you...

    i probably would.
  7. Scissors

    Does God exist?

    guys, i think this thread should take a new angle. Does Buddha exist?
  8. Scissors

    Yet Another What UAI will i get thread

    an asian who ain't smart. i never thought i'd see the day.
  9. Scissors

    Reviving the SBS?

    foxtel's got its fair share of tits and arse.
  10. Scissors

    Kevin Rudd 'me too-ism' on Malcolm Turnbull on Twitter.

    jordan, your posts have lost all merit because of your avatar. i preferred the wiser looking avatar.
  11. Scissors

    Father demanding child support paid back by mother after child revealed not his...?

    fuck that shit. give me back my money you fucking lying bitch! actually, i agree with riet. i'd wait for the kid to become independent and then demand my $$.
  12. Scissors

    less then 24 hours

    it's crazy that people still haven't finished their hsc. i finished 2 weeks ago!
  13. Scissors

    Reviving the SBS?

    agreed with above poster. more tits and ass.
  14. Scissors

    Son to his mum "I can't get no women here" then has sex with his mum!

    anybody else think this sorta sounds like rape?