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  1. Scissors


    jaems rus r da bigest cheataz. me finks dey shuld be put 2 death.
  2. Scissors

    Son to his mum "I can't get no women here" then has sex with his mum!

    wait, what was the exact charge he was charged under? i doubt "having sex with a person, knowing it was his mother" is an actual count.
  3. Scissors


    AHAHA dude, I was trolling the whole time. I really couldn't give two fucks about Ruse being given extra time. Doesn't bother me in the least.
  4. Scissors


    lullz. mi uncl is a judgge.
  5. Scissors


    lullzzz. my unclez a lawyer and he'll kik ur ass!
  6. Scissors

    Puppy tortured and hacked before being killed :(

    a female's mind isn't developed as much as a male's is.
  7. Scissors

    Puppy tortured and hacked before being killed :(

    but it's for the boys. you've got to do it for the boys.
  8. Scissors

    Did anyone else stop during the Maths test at 11:00 today for 1 minute silence?

    to be honest, i wouldn't have paid my respects anyway. i'm grateful for what those men and women set out to do, but i'm in no way about to advocate war.
  9. Scissors

    Did anyone else stop during the Maths test at 11:00 today for 1 minute silence?

    ahaha, i slept through it. i woke today at 12:45.
  10. Scissors


    dun fukn maek excuses u muthafuka. u fukn cheated.
  11. Scissors


    james rus r fukn dikheds. dey is like da smarterest skool in austrliaa and dey need extra tiem for der tests. dey are fukn cheatazz. lol.
  12. Scissors

    Puppy tortured and hacked before being killed :(

    ahahaha, wasn't it you with the annoying font colours? :S
  13. Scissors

    Puppy tortured and hacked before being killed :(

    omg, your discusting! i hope someone locks u up and fucks u up in the anus.
  14. Scissors

    David Oldfield One nation dude

    AHAHAHAHAHAHA! you're gonna lose your position. i shotgun iron's position!
  15. Scissors

    David Oldfield One nation dude

    i'm actually quite proud.
  16. Scissors

    David Oldfield One nation dude

    ahahaha james, your comments were also highlighted!
  17. Scissors

    David Oldfield One nation dude

    hey guys, media watch will probably return to this site to view their feedback. MEDIA WATCH! FUCK YOU MOTHER FUCKERS!
  18. Scissors

    David Oldfield One nation dude

    ahahaha, captain gay's profile was highlighted.
  19. Scissors

    David Oldfield One nation dude

    was my call on? i called about not giving a shit about pets dying.
  20. Scissors

    David Oldfield One nation dude
