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  1. Scissors

    Are the sleeves of men's suits supposed to be a little short?

    Thanks for the luck! I'll need it. Yeah, I also thought the first suit was filthy.
  2. Scissors

    Are the sleeves of men's suits supposed to be a little short?

    what do you mean by "goes in a little"?
  3. Scissors

    The Bali Bombers' Execution

    geoffery leonard reference noted and laughed at. ./ they couldn't really harm anyone behind bars though could they?
  4. Scissors

    Are the sleeves of men's suits supposed to be a little short?

    also, what sort of a tie should i wear? thick or thin?
  5. Scissors

    Are the sleeves of men's suits supposed to be a little short?

    sorry about the wording of the question guys. i didn't really read over it before i posted the thread. so, short sleeved is the go?
  6. Scissors

    Are the sleeves of men's suits supposed to be a little short?

    So, i went shopping today for a suit for my formal, and the only suits i found which fit me properly were short-sleeved. Is that how they're supposed to be? Is the shirt sleeve supposed to be longer than the jacket sleeve? ^^^that pic suggests not. ^^^ this pic suggests so. so...
  7. Scissors

    DISAPOINTING you teachers.

    i think my teachers are going to be surprised by my results because they all think i'm stupid since i never do any work. i'm pretty sure i did well. i'm thinking maybe 87 uai.
  8. Scissors

    The Bali Bombers' Execution

    meh, i'm pretty indifferent about this story. i couldn't care less. i mean, sure, i feel sympathy for those that died, but it's been dragged on for so long and now i'm happy it's over.
  9. Scissors

    13 year old girl stoned to death in Somalia

    yeah, but i thought it was funny.
  10. Scissors

    Positive Impacts of John Howard

    but when it comes down to it, he really didn't have much of a say in that did he? it wasn't really his place to intervene. state sovereignty?
  11. Scissors

    Positive Impacts of John Howard

    john howard was the greatest prime minister. i mean, sure, he may have made some stupid decisions, but as a whole, he did the country well.
  12. Scissors

    Sex without condoms...

    yes. yes i would.
  13. Scissors

    Sex without condoms...

    thank you. there's actually a thread now where you can acknowledge my humour. :)
  14. Scissors

    what do you put urself through every day/week/month? just to look good?

    i shower daily and like wash my hair and stuff. i've got the bed head look so i don't really brush my hair. i shave every 2 days (face) i dunno. that's it.
  15. Scissors

    What was your top/worst subject?

    best - either legal or eco worst - maths.
  16. Scissors

    Sex without condoms...

    so you claim.
  17. Scissors

    what do you put urself through every day/week/month? just to look good?

    hey, i know a girl that DOESN'T shave her underarms. *shudders*
  18. Scissors

    What do you feel when you drop a subject?

    economics is the only worthwhile subject.
  19. Scissors

    13 year old girl stoned to death in Somalia

    ahahahahaha. you fucking idiot. you just called women worthless after preaching about how negatively men in arab countries treat women.