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  1. M

    Who despises english advanced already?

    Yeah, it's an okay play. It's title sounds strange aye? A monster with a pig head and lion body :) I actually don't mind plays, it'd help to have a cool teacher and maybe some students to read expressively. Have you read Gatsby? My friend kinda grew attached to it and another friend of mine...
  2. M

    Physics, the "I don't understand what's going on thread!"

    :rofl: LOL! Wow that is so cool, very creative Shinigami! :) Ahaha, yay! A Bio friend *hi 5's* It's downfall is that it's too wordy @_@" lol, I'll stop hijacking this Physics thread :)
  3. M

    Economics assignment...

    Whoa, essays already? We haven't even started! :)
  4. M

    God, I wish I'd been at . . .

    Kelly Clarkson's concert in Aust some while ago Any Linkin Park one And any Nickelback one and maybe a Missy Higgins one, yay!
  5. M


    Hey Mimz, Welcome to BOS! :D Btw, it might prove helpful if you looked in this thread here. Hopefully that was useful for you :)
  6. M

    Economics assignment...

    Whoa dude! 7th page and not yet done? I don't think I've ever written anything that long ever before *admires Chosen* Wait, it's not all gibberish right? :lol: Ahaha, what textbook do you use? Btw, this is quite irrelevant but we had to make heaps of paper planes in eco today, yay! :)
  7. M

    Physics, the "I don't understand what's going on thread!"

    For some twisted reason I could never ever ever ever remember the F=ma formula. No wait, I think it was the gravity one, W=m/g or M=wg or G=w/m or something or other. Lol, I feel dumb. Bahaha, oh well, Physics is not my thing.
  8. M

    Economics assignment...

    Yeah, mine's quite similar to yours Chosen, we had to choose another country and compare it to that of Australia. I chose Vietnam, yay! I finished it on Sunday, ahaha, not that that's relevant :) It was meant to be like 1,500 words but I wrote not even half of that -_-" but oh well, don't think...
  9. M

    Assesments beginning to pile up?

    Yay! :) Nope, now it's only threeee... Yay! @_@" Sorry you don't have to, you're missing out on all the fun! :lol:
  10. M

    Who despises english advanced already?

    Ahaha, your friend's like one of mine, she uberly loves Austen novels :confused:So believing her, I tried reading Pygmalion and some Jane Austen books for fun. Bleh, didn't get any further than chapter 2 :sleep: Oh yeah, I once read a bit of The Crucible too, it was pretty okay :)
  11. M

    Assesments beginning to pile up?

    Wow, everyone's got so much assessments (I don't feel so alone anymore) :eek: I've got: - Economics exam - Business assignment - Biology exam and assignment - English assessments - Chemistry exam Btw, thanks for the tips Hopeles5ly and Shinji! :) EDIT// Darn, I want strikethrough, is...
  12. M

    Who despises english advanced already?

    Bahaha! I think we're overreacting just a tad :D
  13. M

    Who despises english advanced already?

    Hmmm, I thought most people would be doing changing self. I've heard Gwen Harwood poems are pretty good for it.
  14. M

    A few questions i cant get

    Oh I'm not sure if I've done it right, I'm a bit rusty (well, okay, maybe heaps rusty) at it but I hope it helps you Mr Chi, provided that it's right though. EDIT// Oops, I just realised my answer was -ve :o
  15. M

    which will be more stressful in the HSC year??

    Hmmm, if you want to do something in the science or commerce areas then I guess Chem (and/or eco) is the way to go as Pluvia's said before, it is assumed knowledge. But I guess, it is quite hard to tell now, so early in the year. Good luck with your choice later though :)
  16. M

    selective school

    He probably would've realised that too. Since when did this discussion turn into some juvenile quarrelling?
  17. M

    science research project

    Maybe also take into consideration the temperature of the ball and surface it's landing on e.g: if it's a rubber ball it might bounce differently to one not rubberised on a hot day because it expands.
  18. M

    Exams vs Assignments vs Speeches

    I hate speeches and don't mind either of exams or assignments however, exams get my vote since, yes they are scary but you get it over and done within a day (minus the time studying for it :)) whereas assignments take ages to do.
  19. M

    selective school

    I have a feeling the guy already knew this (and will when he gets the form) since he did specificially state he wanted more than one choice i.e. North Sydney Boys or Fort Street. Although it is nice of you to be concerned :)