Search results

  1. E

    Done and done! :P

    Done and done! :P
  2. E

    haha i'll join your group...if you allow me to ask you about some physics(1121) problems every...

    haha i'll join your group...if you allow me to ask you about some physics(1121) problems every now and :)
  3. E

    The most bad-ass videogame character

    that tough cunt from the game manhunt. /thread.
  4. E

    What Do You Like About UNSW??

    Probably because you were hot.
  5. E

    UNSW Pictures

    I like your writing.
  6. E

    UNSW Pictures

  7. E

    Rules for UNSW students

    yep those fags are annoying
  8. E

    a simple first year phys question tht i wan u engineers to solve's the unsw physics 1a quiz
  9. E

    What you hate about UNSW

    done the comp assignment yet?
  10. E

    What you hate about UNSW

    According to my lecturer it's on some kind of if it hasn't been used for some time before you arrived, chances are the air con turned off ages ago and the room heated up.
  11. E

    ENGG1000 == waste of time

    yeah that common lecture was a turn off....TMI
  12. E

    you are at uni and where?

    could you tell me where it is plz? :eek:
  13. E

    UNSW Myths, Fables and Stories.

    must've been hard wiping ur visual guide:jedi:
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    Rules for UNSW students

    C-C-C- COMBO BREAKER couldn't resist :jedi: edit: damnit kevinx2 you ruined the flow
  15. E

    Most Useful/Useless subject at UNSW

    I'm happy with engg1000 purely because it's not much work. (hope i don't have egg on my face when we actually start the projects)
  16. E

    My team on Australias Got Got Talent Semi Final (Australian Martial Arts)

    i'd rather vote for that indian comedian.
  17. E

    Rules for UNSW students

    lol haha that was wildberger's lecture wasn't it? yeah i face palmed when the douche answered him.
  18. E

    Rules for UNSW students

    omg that is so true. I was sitting next to a chick in clancy and her bo filled my nose whenever she lifted her arms. fuck.
  19. E

    Rules for UNSW students

    wear deodorant
  20. E

    General Engo Talk.

    yep fucking hell aye? I need to go through about 3 chapters in the textbook. yay day off at least!