Search results

  1. E

    Comm/Sci- ?

    how did you miss out on an offer to commerce/engineering? Isn't the UAI the same as normal commerce ? (i.e. the higher of the two courses...95.3).
  2. E

    What is YOUR hardest and/or biggest content course

    Hardest AND most content for me was Chemistry. That subject was one S.O.B
  3. E

    2 Possible Civ. Eng. Timetables - Poll

    don't you mean the first option?
  4. E

    What games are you playing now during the holidays?

    u torrent ur games?
  5. E

    What games are you playing now during the holidays?

    try dead space
  6. E

    Bcommerce double degree

    Correct (i am doing it). For the others, look up the program in the handbook.
  7. E

    First Year Guide to Picking Electives

    Re: Guide to Picking First year Electives this thread is tops. Thanks omium (and others)!
  8. E

    2 Possible Civ. Eng. Timetables - Poll

    Hey guys, if i was wanting to keep my options open ( ihaven't decided on a major yet), it would be best to do COMP1911 right? I'd like to know whether this subject makes the total workload unbearable...
  9. E

    Bcommerce double degree

    Keep in mind that if u look at the plan for commerce/engineering you don't start the commerce component in the first year
  10. E

    University offers online?

    it really is addictive looking up people isn't it?
  11. E

    UAC Offer slips

    no you're right. I did the same.
  12. E

    late round offers

    they increase
  13. E

    UAC Offer slips

    depends on uni
  14. E

    2 Possible Civ. Eng. Timetables - Poll

    Hey tommykins, I'm interested as to why you haven't chosen higher maths or physics? (you seem to be very good at those subjects from what I could gather around these forums). Sorry to be offtopic
  15. E

    2 Possible Civ. Eng. Timetables - Poll

    I'm in the same situation - wondering whether i should cram it in 4 days or spread it over 5.
  16. E

    quick q

    I'm doing combined engineering/commerce @ unsw. When I come to the enrolment page there is a list asking me to choose a major (or leave it undeclared). I can't seem to find "flexible first year" engineering on the list so should I just leave my submission as "undeclared"?
  17. E

    B Optom. / B. Science job opportunities.

    ummm... shouldn't you have thought about this already?
  18. E


    I'd say next to nil. Grow some balls pls.