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  1. E

    Creating Timetable

    this is could piss around making the perfect timetable only to realise that half of the classes you need to enrol in are full. Do it as soon as you can.
  2. E

    What games are you playing now during the holidays?

    It gets boring after a while once the novelty of fleeing up buildings/towers wears off. Once you know how to time your counters properly, it also becomes too easy (i.e. i can take down about 30 guards without taking any damage since they all engage you individually - never at the same time)...
  3. E

    Business Information Technology - COMP1911 vs COMP1917?

    that was very helpful, thank you very much
  4. E

    :O - Cannot change prefences online

    lol...i grabbed the bag, pens, saw the line for popcorn thought "fuck it" and left
  5. E

    Unsw gym!!!

  6. E

    :O - Cannot change prefences online

    hey are you sure we'd get one fucking freebies baby
  7. E

    Computer Engineering Timetable

    his name is there
  8. E

    Part-time job with degree??

    While you guys are around, do you have any suggestions as to the type of jobs you have been doing?
  9. E

    Engineering Computer Programs

    Maplesoft Maple v 12: 96 seeds, 7 leechers Cool.
  10. E

    So are you happy you went to UNSW to do engineering?

    What about the quality of the teachers? How able/willing are they to help? thanks, (new student)
  11. E

    1st year Business Textbooks for sale!!

    you might wanna hold off flogging your textbooks until we actually know what books we need...
  12. E

    Public Holidays

    fight! fight! fight!
  13. E

    UNCLE "I got an offer" 2009 Thread

    haha i can hear him saying that so easily.
  14. E

    Laptops for Uni

    Re: Are Laptops rly nessesary for uni? If you're doing a technical/sciency degree just think how hard/slow it would be to type equations/formulas up using a laptop.
  15. E

    Post Your Timetable - S1 2009 Edition

    Man that's a lot of hours you got there!
  16. E

    how to enrol in courses??

    look at the plan in the handbook for semester 1, input the codes into hard is that?
  17. E

    BComm/BEco @ UNSW

    click on "main round offers now online" at the top of this page and input the course code to find out who is doing this course
  18. E

    Post Your Timetable - S1 2009 Edition

    thanks how easy is it to change subjects? (and is it a realistic option? - i don't like the idea of playing catch-up)
  19. E

    Post Your Timetable - S1 2009 Edition

    hey guys how fast do these types of classes fill out? I'm kinda holding out on my timetable because I'm still undecided about a few things and want to go to the info day on 29th Jan to ask questions. By that date, will my options of classes/lectures be limited? (i am referring specifically to...
  20. E

    EAS points

    No it cannot be used for any uni - each individual institution decides the amount of points they give you, if at all. Secondly your uai didn't change, your selection rank did. I think both of you need to read the EAS booklet like everyone else.