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  1. E

    Late round offers question

    should've recorded the conversation. joking...
  2. E

    Uac offer of admission note - do i need to sign the bottom and send it before tomorow

    Re: Uac offer of admission note - do i need to sign the bottom and send it before tom .
  3. E

    Part-time job with degree??

    Thanks for the tip. But I'm thinking it would be hard to gain employment - due to the poor flexibility of engineering students (because of the long contact hours). :spzz:
  4. E

    Text books

    I'm getting the impression that the physics textbook(s) isn't really useful/needed...why is this?
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    What is YOUR hardest and/or biggest content course

    I think chem is "hard" because: it has quite a bit of content + requires some thinking/effort I disagree with physics containing the most content..chem has more
  6. E

    How detailed are your notes?

    obviously the more detail you know the better you'll do but really writing notes isn't for everyone...i found it pointless because i wasn't really thinking while writing them. The best practice is doing questions (e.g. past papers/chapter reviews etc) Edit: i think i did ok, with uai just under 95
  7. E

    How much study do u do in Holidays?

    DW guys PLENTY of time to do work...hope you didn't waste ur holidays by studying
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    Looking forward to going back to school for one reason....

    + 1 school is garbage, i'm happy to see it out, not looking back
  9. E

    Going ahead?

    Yeah studying ahead is good - more confidence
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    The difference between Crime Fiction & Crime Writing?

    Crime fiction/writing is a snorefest...why can't they do sci-fi or something? :P
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    Crime Fiction Sucks

    Yeah christ that book was unbearable. I'd rather watch paint dry.
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    Thoughts on Frankenstein/Bladerunner

    It's a pity you guys missed out on reading Brave New World...I found that an excellent book and I wasn't forced to finish reading it.
  13. E

    quick q

    Thanks that was very helpful. As a matter of fact I haven't chosen my engineering major let me understand what you're saying: instead of choosing useless/weird engineering electives in the second semester, I should instead choose 3 commerce subjects? So essentially I can just do the...
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    How detailed are your notes?

    I never really wrote notes sometimes to test my knowledge i would just draw up a large mindmap of the subject and see how much detail i could get down
  15. E

    gen maths. the DISADVANTAGES

    Well in the HSC you get 2 yrs to get 2unit only get 2 weeks (although they probably exclude a few topics which aren't needed)...needless to say your knowledge of 2unit will be quite superficial (but really, it depends on what science major you wish to pursue)
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    gen maths. the DISADVANTAGES

    Re: 回复: Re: gen maths. the DISADVANTAGES don't rip on calculus, it is very handy to know kthnx
  17. E

    Would it be better to...

    Factors in your decision: -what you plan to studying at UNI -whether you are confident in doing well in your other subjects -whether you've actually given math general a good shot (it's early days yet and it's not the hardest thing in the world - i know guys who are hopeless who have put in a...
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    Peter Skrzynecki

    doesn't Skryznecki lecture at UWS?
  19. E

    The HSC: An Environmental Hazard?

    IIRC your writing is huge and's no wonder you used that much
  20. E

    The HSC: An Environmental Hazard?

    whoah if one did that, they wouldn't have an excuse for not getting a band6 i think i only did about 25 past papers in total the whole HSC year and I got 45