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  1. Bunny04

    Highest UAI at your school?

    Wow, some school beat ours!~:D - 50. 00 was the highest at mine. AIM high
  2. Bunny04

    The spectacle of “strictly ballroom.”, Practice essay

    and another hint to all year 12'ers 05- Try and mention' the use of Baz Lurhmans new cinenamographic techinque, which is in all of his films, Romeo and Juliet, Strictly Ballroom and Moulin Rouge the use of "RED CURTAIN CINEMA" - Its a take on "Stage Production" - like all of these movies, have...
  3. Bunny04

    Help sdd Homework..

    Warning- The Heinmann text book isnt the best for the HSC, its got a lot of excercises and things that really don't help ^^- I used it for year 12 only to do our own revision and it was our only book. , you are better off with the EXCEL HSC Revision guides... Or Teachers notes... the Heinemann...
  4. Bunny04


    I agree... Go Weaving... Much better than Keanu.
  5. Bunny04

    Holy Cross School

    LoL, i know Holy Cross In Bondi Jnct :P
  6. Bunny04

    What mobile phone do you own?

    Nokia 3120-with a lot of options You don't need like WAP, MMS Capable, Colour Screen, Wallpapers, Beach Rally and Java Games, Polyphonic Ring tones... why do they put all this stuff... its just a phone ... ( i aint complaining since i got it for b'day, but why do they keep adding htis stuff...
  7. Bunny04


    I really liked the first one was a bit of a Fan, until Reloaded and Revolutions came out and i hated hte sequels...>Thye should have stopped after the 1st ... it had a true 'good' ending
  8. Bunny04

    Roy & HG back in Aunty's arms

    Yes, its already out... i have seen at HMV and Sanity and places like that... it wont be on sale for long, because if they sell out, they are not restocking... so Better Hurry Yay i cant wait... i love Roy and HG- I missed them on TV every night at 11.00-11.30 During Athens... Tee hee i...
  9. Bunny04

    Holy Cross School

    My sister went to Holy Cross- Until it closed down ^^
  10. Bunny04

    Special Provisions?

    Nothing, unless its chronic depression that leads to Cronic Fatigue, or they can prove that it disrupts your learning or testing abilites., i have never heard of Board of studies giving special provisions for something other than Physical Disabilites,.
  11. Bunny04

    Much demand for Secondary Music Teachers?

    Yeah most likley, or you could just try some of the 6th Grade Musicianship Theory and Aural papers, they would prepare you for the Con test, most of it is ok... but some i found quite hard.... and you can get the AMEB Musicianship Exam papers from the AMEB centre in the city ^^
  12. Bunny04

    Much demand for Secondary Music Teachers?

    eeek , the con aural test *blinks* i didn't like that one ... but UNSW is easier :P
  13. Bunny04

    Nikki Webster ???

    you have a thread on Nikki Webbster...>..... *blinks* what is this world comming to................
  14. Bunny04

    Much demand for Secondary Music Teachers?

    Yup, High demand for High School music teachers, they are getting people without Bmus Ed to do music teaching in high schools, (and technically you are not allowed to teach unless you have Bmus Ed, even if you have your Bmus in perf.)
  15. Bunny04

    Which movie has made you cry??

    LOL ok... one of the best movies... which really shouldnt make you cry but did -Donnie Darko Crap movies that made me cry - A walk to remember - Ladder 49 Ones that made me burst out in laughter when everyone else seemed to be crying - Titanic *cough* LAUGH *cough*
  16. Bunny04

    DONNIE DARKO -- Reviews and Discussion

    Koolies. Meep i want to watch it again *throws dvd into comp dvdrom*
  17. Bunny04

    DONNIE DARKO -- Reviews and Discussion

    I can't find anything to hate about this movie :P :P
  18. Bunny04

    DONNIE DARKO -- Reviews and Discussion

    O_o oh, i haven't seen this thread before :P Oops ... oh wells I love it....... one of my favs now
  19. Bunny04

    DONNIE DARKO -- Reviews and Discussion

    DONNIE DARKO--- Disscussion Wow, i just finished watching Donnie Darko (the Directors Cut) and ..... *blinks* ok.... i wont go into much, just incase you haven't seen it... BUT have you seen it, would you like to see it..... what do you think of this cult movie..... Some say its...
  20. Bunny04

    ENCORE 2004

    Encore is a 'Show' really, SOME of the best music 2 and eXtension people play but, there are at least half that are there just for 'show' not musical ability. Mind you, there are some great performances!!!:D