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  1. Bunny04

    movie: LADDER 49

    LOL :P Yes, Joaquin Pheonix is hot ..... *sigh* after watching 'signs' and "Ladder 49 " Im all happy :D AnD YES>..... Joaquin Pheonix is the MAIN character.. .John Travolta is his 'co-star' so, its Joaquins Movie tee hee.... LOADS of him :P
  2. Bunny04

    movie: LADDER 49

    Yup twas good movie... bit sad though.. anyone who is going to see it, I recomend taking a couple of tissues... The cinema was full and i didn't hear anyone Not Sniffing, and everyone was practically in tears... (girl next to me was bawling eyes out lol )
  3. Bunny04

    movie: LADDER 49

    Ok... Just came back from this movie... wanting to hear other peoples opinions on it.... DId You like it , Did you hate it... Do you wan't to see it? and Why.. :uhhuh:
  4. Bunny04

    First Aid Volunteer work?

    go to the ST Johns website, and see if there are any divisions localy, you dont have to do the first aid course first though... (well i didnt ) and then join up.... If you're under 18 you can join a cadet division, - and if you're over 18 adult division. go check out the website at...
  5. Bunny04

    One Debate: SBS Radio TV Orchestra or SYO..(or SYOA)?

    SBS is good. loads of concerts, loads of Different repetoire, unlinke SYO were you sit with the same repetoire for an entire term, you get to switch round stuff and do heaps more ... Amateur... just like SYO except for the final Messiah Concert at end of year... get paid for that....
  6. Bunny04

    how did people go?

    Shockingly Bad.... 56 for Dance... Luckily i had another unit to scrap it.... We didnt do half of the Perf Syllabus though.... We have a cemement dance floor so defeats purpose of Dance course on 'Safe Dance" ... .and we asked for misadventure and tehy said no ... >darn BOS
  7. Bunny04

    Favourite Animes

    Yeah season 3 is good, But prefer The sailor Stars Series and the Movies the best, (movies are taken directly from Manga, rather than whole different production team who worked on the anime series which really puts Sailor moon in a waste of time money and space era of dumb cartoons.... Yes, the...
  8. Bunny04

    SWIMMING- The Best, Thorpe, Hackett Hoogenbavnd or Spitz (still)

    I wouldn't consider Phelps the Greatest swimmer by any means... Phelps 'the superfish' had all that publicity before Athens, Fare enough he did win the races he is best at the butterfly and all, but his supposed "Clear " wins over Hoogenband, Hackett and THorpe never happened... Im curious to...
  9. Bunny04

    First Aid Volunteer work?

    Oh okies..Miranda, one of the few our division hasnt worked with! :P
  10. Bunny04

    First Aid Volunteer work?

    are you in a division jezzabelle86, as in cadets/adult divisions?
  11. Bunny04

    First Aid Volunteer work?

    Yup, I volunteer in St John Ambulance Australia.. Doing Duties all over NSW... whats up?
  12. Bunny04

    SWIMMING- The Best, Thorpe, Hackett Hoogenbavnd or Spitz (still)

    SWIMMING- The Best, FREESTYLE and OVERAL Thorpe, Hackett Hoogenbavnd or Spitz (still) Ok, who would you claim the worlds 'Best' Overall swimmer... Hackett, for 1500 the hardest race of all, endurance, and beating his own world record by an entire 11 secs, in 2000. Phelps, the best Medly and...
  13. Bunny04

    Overseas students

    well they do have the disadvantage of the Language barrier, and if they want to do courses here such as Medicine, or a high Uni / UAI subject such as Undergrad Law, etc.... They have to do the HSC here.... There qualifications are worth nothing in Australia, thats why we have soo many Overseas...
  14. Bunny04

    Favourite Animes

    SAILOR MOON 100% !!!:D *see avvie* Tee hee... Yup Sailor moon was reason i got into anime too... Next..... Prob Full metal Alchemist and then Love Hina , Miss Rain, Chobbits and thats about it.... Hate hate hate Digimon, and Yugioh, and all crappy anime.... I prefer Manga of Sailor Moon anways...
  15. Bunny04

    piano music

    Chopin 24 Etudes, or the Revolutionary Etude... NoOooooo Fur Elise... just DONT, and No Claire de Lune.... done too much... how about some Bach.... or Some Mozart, or Stravinsky!!! Or better yet Shostakovich, Some Sonatas, Cello and Piano Sonate, by Shosta... brilliant stuff.
  16. Bunny04

    UAC Offers

    Yay!! Congrats to all those who made it!!:D *is hoping for Main Round* yay and lol,, Good Luck tim
  17. Bunny04

    One Debate: SBS Radio TV Orchestra or SYO..(or SYOA)?

    yeah .. but hang on the only televised event SYOA has done was the Ohhhhh soooo Bloody awful Bledisloe Cup a couple of years ago.( sydney Youth Philharmonic SYOA) .. and the Carols in the domain every year... and the standard of SYO and the whole of SYOA has dropped remarkably
  18. Bunny04

    How about: Worst Private School?

    The Australian Institute of Music Senior Secondry College....... *blinks* Music school, that does the HSC No uniform is a plus, but the teaching really aint that great, and doing A Certificate IV and II - During Year 11 +12 Is a bit time consuming (as school is Uni aswell) Teachers are ok...
  19. Bunny04

    School Uniforms

    Well, Our school didnt have a uniform, Twas great, kinda annoying But Good
  20. Bunny04

    2004 HSC School Stats

    Lol<, my school isnt even on the list.. :P but no doubt, 610-618 somewhere there, with 18 students in year 12 and only 1 band 6