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  1. _dhj_

    Do you tell people to STFU during lectures?

    with the "utility everyone else gets" argument I think only some behaviour isn't acceptable. reading newspapers, sleeping, doing the crossword etc isn't going to distract anyone actually paying attention to the lecture.
  2. _dhj_

    The Official Football Thread 2006/2007

    The thing is, there's no "learning curve" that takes someone like Rooney from temperamental to calm. Some players are just naturally hot tempered. Refer to LMF's examples of Zidane and Sir Alex. you're not going to deny that those two were among the most successful and respected people in...
  3. _dhj_

    The Official Football Thread 2006/2007

    That's got very little to do with the Rooney's "maturity" and more to do with his natural temperament. Some players are calmer and less aggressive than others.
  4. _dhj_

    Do you tell people to STFU during lectures?

    i think some people just have short attention spans or learn effectively in different ways doesn't necessarily mean that they're stupid or don't deserve their uni spot.
  5. _dhj_

    Do you tell people to STFU during lectures?

    Sounds like me. :(:( but I feel kinda guilty missing all the lectures.
  6. _dhj_


    lol Lol LOL ...
  7. _dhj_

    Politics goes to church at Hillsong

    sif it isn't dodge... bloody hillsong
  8. _dhj_

    Attractive couples have girls, says expert

    The article says 56%... which isn't that significantly over half (factor in statistical errors etc). I reckon couples are more likely to have boys when the female partner is more attractive, and more likely to have girls when the male partner is more attractive. from what i've observed anyways
  9. _dhj_

    The Abortion Debate (continued)

    Hey don't knock the Gong. Saying that Serius is a typical gong resident is very insulting to all those whove ever lived there...
  10. _dhj_

    The Abortion Debate (continued)

    If an almighty god existed, why would he even allow the thought of abortion to exist, if he so strongly disapproves of it? That is for the other thread anyway.
  11. _dhj_

    The Abortion Debate (continued)

    lol... religion. :rolleyes:
  12. _dhj_

    how fast can you type? how did you learn?

    learnt touch typing in year 4 :cool: though I don't know how fast I'm right now... prolly 60+
  13. _dhj_

    The Abortion Debate (continued)

    The stance is consistent with both libertarian (as opposed to conservative) and "new left" (as opposed to old-left notions of class struggle and equality) ideology.
  14. _dhj_

    The Abortion Debate (continued)

    Surely both perspectives need to be considered. The right of the fetus - i.e. whether the fetus has the legal rights of individuals by reason of its potential to develop into a born child, or does not have those legal rights by reason of being too dependant on the woman to provide an environment...
  15. _dhj_

    INFS 1000

    Re: Infs1000 Tute.
  16. _dhj_

    Israel attacks Lebanon

    What's with this business using the warning as justification? They've got a right to remain on their property, their land without fear of being killed or their residence being flattened. If you called a bomb threat and the subsequent explosion resulted in many people being killed, does the fact...
  17. _dhj_

    The value and rights of life

    The only reason why killing animals is considered wrong is that the animals offer value to other humans while they are alive. For example cockroaches aren't valuable to any human (or very few), so it's okay to kill them, whereas dogs and cats are valued by humans as pets. Other animals are...
  18. _dhj_

    The value and rights of life

    I'm not sure if this is what the thread is about but the value of the life of animals is obviously just as subjective as the value of lives of humans. It depends on the proximity and worth of the subject in question from the person who's judging. Our immediate family would be worth more than a...
  19. _dhj_

    The Official Football Thread 2006/2007

    Good stuff but the price is a bit steep... =/
  20. _dhj_

    The Official Football Thread 2006/2007

    Ruud is off to Real. Mascherano would be a great signing...