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  1. Omium

    NRL is shit.

    OH MY. You must be fucking kidding me. Soccer ? Hey look at me i get paid $500 million dollars to continually kick the BALL OVER THE POST. I've kicked it over the post the past 10,000 times but my brain is too small to tell me to put less power and kick it under the fucking post...
  2. Omium

    A discovery I made last year-a must read for those who do bio with chem

    lol, thats less than 0.1% of the course. Makes no difference whatsoever, the dot points are different and ask for different things (chem and bio)
  3. Omium

    Island of Stability

    You're probably referring to the theoretical notion of there being an "island of stability" of elements further out in the periodic table (elements we have NOT discovered yet). There is some evidence for this. Interestingly if i remember correctly that highest Atomic number of an element...
  4. Omium

    The UNSW Textbook Buy/Sell Thread

    How much you selling them each for?
  5. Omium

    how to become a promoter

    Im guessing if you knew people in the trade you would go far, otherwise it might be very hard to crack.
  6. Omium

    What is your current Ring Tone.

    You guys know the name of that trumpet theme they play at ANZAC day??
  7. Omium


    The Thread for ALL FIRST YEAR RELATED QUESTIONS. This thread is intended for ALL first year related questions. Ask it in here and people will try answer it :)
  8. Omium

    Customer Annoyingness as a function of time

    "x" is time. "y" is annoyingness. However assume that t=0 is where graph starts.
  9. Omium

    BABS1201 question

    Hows about you get to your first lecture first ? lol at people buying hundreds of dollars worth of textbooks before their lectures even start.... They will cover everything in lectures. It wouldnt be held in week 0 unless specified by an email / vista.
  10. Omium

    Great holy armies shall be gathered and trained to fight all who embrace evil. In the name of...

    Great holy armies shall be gathered and trained to fight all who embrace evil. In the name of the gods, ships shall be built to carry our warriors out amongst the stars and we will spread Origin to all the unbelievers. The power of the Ori will be felt far and wide and the wicked shall be vanquished
  11. Omium

    Economic Crisis

    fuck, i overheard them talking about it last year in my local synagogue.
  12. Omium

    The UNSW Textbook Buy/Sell Thread

    There usually never is. Only a few chapters here and there are switched, sometimes better font, and some extra passages here and there. Nothing too significant
  13. Omium

    Auburn school rampage

    FFS, we all know the Jews did it. Can we close this thread now ? :hammer:
  14. Omium

    Customer Annoyingness as a function of time

    Indeed, However i never get to deal with people 18 and lower, i would assume it would be increasingly annoying dealing with kids.
  15. Omium

    NRL is shit.

    The game i was watching, they showed how much players had run in the game. some players had run 4km + :jaw:
  16. Omium

    Customer Annoyingness as a function of time

    1) When a customer is born, They become approximately linearly annoying untill they plateau at around age 40-50. 2) After around age 50, customers become too obese and lazy to complain so they gradually become "kinder" and more appreciative. 3) The phase of becomming more appreciative...
  17. Omium

    How to accommodate 15+ people?

    Hire a place for around 5-6 people. Rotate the beds, let others sleep in tents / sleeping bags
  18. Omium

    Must hear ! Life changing music

  19. Omium

    Have you got tired of the word "book"?

    I gave up reading a few months before HSC. I used to be a monster in reading. Havent read a book since.
  20. Omium

    NRL is shit.

    I have tryed so many times to watch and enjoy AFL. I just can't, i find it completetly boring. However as with all sports watching it in person would probably be cool.