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  1. Omium

    Most OVERRATED sport stars

    Golf requires large ammounts of skill. Cricket is possibly the hardest sport to master, imagine a ball comming at you at 100km/h. Darts requires extensive practice. Bowling is............ fun ? You got me there.
  2. Omium

    What is your current Ring Tone.

    Yer that one. Its pretty cool sounding though Im stuck between that and "Flossing Forever" by pretty ricky. However "Flossing forever" that takes way too long to get into the words.
  3. Omium

    What is your current Ring Tone.

    The OC theme song.
  4. Omium

    Rules for Customers

    Generally i hate women. However these are my rankings for women based on my continuing time working in a call centre. Rating top 10 types of women. 1) German Women Very very kind, always say please and thanks, laugh quite often. 2) British Women Not bad. 3) American...
  5. Omium

    Auburn school rampage

    No such thing as turks. Stop inventing new words They're all lebanese
  6. Omium

    general UNSW chit-chat

    Wow, i really thought accelerators were useless..... If i ever need to download large files im gana download that accelerator thingo.
  7. Omium

    Rules for Customers

    I don't think there has EVER been a time when the Customer has been technically "right".
  8. Omium

    The UNSW Textbook Buy/Sell Thread

    ssshhh you're killing my thread, :(
  9. Omium

    The UNSW Textbook Buy/Sell Thread

    Thats the Physics textbook. You do need the physics textbook, it helps you with the Quiz's and is a very good resource. However I'm not selling mine, I still use it as a reference.
  10. Omium

    general UNSW chit-chat

    What Lecture was that ? Do us Second year + people need to go to Week 0 lectures ?
  11. Omium

    The UNSW Textbook Buy/Sell Thread

    Recommended retail price over $100. My book is one edition removed. It is totally 100% NOT necessary, you do NOT need it. I got a HD for the subject and didn't use it once. Course notes are more than enough. Edit: Me thinks i won't make a good salesman ?
  12. Omium

    Who's been mugged before??

    Fuck , i needed surgery on that leg dickhead. :vcross:
  13. Omium

    Auburn school rampage

    I know quite a few lebanese muslims who go to catholic schools.....
  14. Omium

    general UNSW chit-chat

    I get speeds of 1Mbps ++ if i download things off the UNSW website. Other than that its around 300kbbs
  15. Omium

    The UNSW Textbook Buy/Sell Thread

    Once again i have stolen this idea off another BoS user. In this thread, specify books you would like to sell or buy and for how much. You can then private message or continue your conversations about buying/selling details in this thread. I have the MATH1131 9th edition (or 7th edition)...
  16. Omium

    Who's been mugged before??

    Essentially every day i catch a train back home ay 12am or 1am. Trains are actually very safe.
  17. Omium

    Wanting asian people for TV ad on 14 & 15 March

    Yeah the tax on that $100 is the deal breaker for me........... On a more serious note, Good luck getting people for $10 ph
  18. Omium

    The Cricket Thread

    re: The Official Cricket Thread Yeah, i brought up my rant with my brother and his main reason was what you mentioned there and the fact that the bowlers will get very tired
  19. Omium

    WWE Wrestling

    :jaw:Oh my, The future doesn't look too bright if our 18/19 year olds still follow WWE wrestling.
  20. Omium

    Most OVERRATED sport stars

    He is a great player, He blew me away with his free-kick goal in sydney. Thats when i knew he was god.