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  1. Omium

    Tutoring little siblings

    You're an idiot if you charge your sis.
  2. Omium


    Get a pidgey, pidgeot is very awesome. I suggest you also get a Nidoqueen. Also i don't evolve my pokemon, i once had a squirtle level 40 ish, they learn moves faster and it looks cool :o
  3. Omium


    Um, 7 year old thread ?
  4. Omium

    How do you cope with 4 6cp subjects a semester?

    What answer do you hope to get? You know everybody is going to say study. Im sorry there is no secret potion.
  5. Omium

    UNSW cheer squad!!

    Oh my......
  6. Omium

    The Official NRL Thread

    Nah, I think they might pull through in the 8th spot
  7. Omium

    Rules for Customers

    Seems like a grand old lady :)
  8. Omium

    How tall are you?

    6"6 2.00 metres
  9. Omium

    Problem with (future) chem teacher

    OMG, geez its not the end of the world. They will laugh at you. I had a crap Chem teacher, we finished the course barely 2 weeks before the HSC. Stop crying and study on your own. If he is THAT bad, it might be a good thing, all your class goes bad, you get the top rank, you own the HSC...
  10. Omium

    UNSW Food Guide

    This is a general UNSW guide to all things concerning food on campus. This guide is largely meant to undercut Omie Jay's original food thread. :) KFC / Subway / Mcdonalds / Oporto's Upper Campus (Located near library) There are numerous places you can eat : 1) Thai...
  11. Omium

    is there a subway at the UNSW?

    I should probably undercut your old thread and make new one....... :o
  12. Omium

    general UNSW chit-chat

    New Alias ;)
  13. Omium

    where to get off

    Just a little tip. If you don't manage to catch the 891. 391 >> 395 >393
  14. Omium

    Is Week Zero mandatory to attend?

    There are 1 million threads on this, cmon adjust your face by 0.005 degrees downwards and you will see your answer They won't un-enroll you and kick you out if you don't go to them. They don't care, you don't need to go if you don't want to.
  15. Omium

    How was your first day of O week?

    99.99% of people you befriend at O-week you'll never see again, so no need to worry.
  16. Omium

    The Official NRL Thread

    I go for the Sharks, but you never know what you're gana get from them. They could take on the top teams and then get absolutely owned by the bottom teams.
  17. Omium


    Yep I do Im a Rockets and Knicks Fan. My dreams were shattered when Mcgrady went out for the season. Ah well, they will still make the playoffs i guess.
  18. Omium

    UNSW Myths, Fables and Stories.

    The Revolution is beginning.
  19. Omium

    UNSW Myths, Fables and Stories.

    Im glad i made this thread, Some light has been shed on these UNSW mysteries. By the way; The ADFA from canberra perform training exercises at UNSW before 6am, make sure you don't get to uni beforehand, You could be caught in the crossfire.