Search results

  1. Omium

    UNSW Myths, Fables and Stories.

    Rumour has it that the UNSW biomedical engineering department have created a clone of Kevin Rudd, So that our Lord and master can live and rule forever
  2. Omium

    Y try so hard for??

    I got a UAI of 97.5 Im doing a course with a UAI of 76. Trust me when i tell you this. UAI provides NO indication of "degree hardness"
  3. Omium

    Three-pack-a-day smoker's widow awarded $12m

    Think of the black market that would create, This would result in more revenue for crime syndicates, Thus an increase in crime.
  4. Omium

    UNSW Myths, Fables and Stories.

    6 year-old Michael Van Austin was visiting UNSW with his mother 50 years ago, His mother left him on the 6th floor of the library as she went to the bathroom. When she came back he was nowhere to be found. Rumour has it, if you wander to the "M" section of the library at 12 midnight...
  5. Omium

    UNSW Myths, Fables and Stories.

    Every year 23 people disappear as they walk along main walk-way at night. Co-incidentally 23 new carvings appear on the Vice-Chancellors door every year
  6. Omium

    tom hanks to turn on hardon

    We need more exotic doomsday predictions from wacko people to generate more public interest and hype for the collider
  7. Omium

    UNSW Myths, Fables and Stories.

    The top floors of the library are filled with a toxic biological gas, UNSW medical research gone wrong. They are permanately sealed.... NEVER to be re-opened again
  8. Omium

    UNSW Myths, Fables and Stories.

    Under Kieth burrows lie the bodies of past physics sutdents, Joe wolfe experiments gone wrong..
  9. Omium

    Can anyone hook me up with a job ???

    Time for some serious advice. People are inherently weak, they are too shy/embarassed to reject you face to face. If you're desperate for a job go up to the shop personally and ask for a job application form. If they say they're not hiring ask if you could fill one out anyway and if there...
  10. Omium

    UNSW Myths, Fables and Stories.

    UNSW Myths, Fables and Mysteries Myth 1) There are no secret soceities. To the 08'ers, we recruit during 0-week, We have access to all your personal information we know everything about you. Don't try find us, we'll find you.
  11. Omium

    Can anyone hook me up with a job ???

    Shoot a Gay porn video with me ?
  12. Omium

    Rules for Customers

    Don't think you're smarter than me. I will own you.
  13. Omium

    minimum wage for 18 year olds.

    As mentioned by persian, it's determined by which industry you work in.
  14. Omium

    exams enquiry

    Dude, Its February, change your holiday date by a few days. Pointless thread.
  15. Omium

    Textbook queries

    Listed : Means you should have them Recommended : you don't need them but if your a nerd then get them.
  16. Omium

    textbook editions

    It doesnt matter if its a 1 edition difference. More than that and its usually still ok.
  17. Omium

    minimum wage for 18 year olds.

    It depends on where you work.
  18. Omium

    Snobbish people 'there'

    Because those questions have been answered a billion times. It seems you guys can't be bothered actually looking for information, instead of inclining your face 2 degrees to see another thread where your question has been answered, you simply post new threads asking the same questions...
  19. Omium

    drink bottles to uni

    Wtf man?