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  1. K

    HSC Tips and Tricks | Part 1: Year 12 Info Round-up

    This is so True. You can get really good marks by just memorising. When i did my hsc, i managed to recall all my essays and i twisted them to suit the text type. I think this is the best way to go about for english as i had friends who tried to master their texts and write their essays on the...
  2. K

    HSC Tips and Tricks | Part 1: Year 12 Info Round-up

    This is so True. You can get really good marks by just memorising. When i did my hsc, i managed to recall all my essays and i twisted them to suit the text type. I think this is the best way to go about for english as i had friends who tried to master their texts and write their essays on the...
  3. K

    BOSTON ROB - Do u LOVE him or HATE him??

    :chainsaw: :chainsaw: :chainsaw: :chainsaw: :chainsaw: :chainsaw: :chainsaw: Die Rob:chainsaw: :chainsaw: :chainsaw: :chainsaw: :chainsaw: :chainsaw: :chainsaw:
  4. K

    BOSTON ROB - Do u LOVE him or HATE him??

    It appears to me that Rob doesnt love Amber at all, and he's using Amber as a source of money. Amber seems like she really likes Rob and wants to get married, but money seems to be Rob's centre of attention.
  5. K

    The Amazing Race 7

    I wish that was Rob
  6. K

    BOSTON ROB - Do u LOVE him or HATE him??

    If the poll is showing that the majority likes Rob, then there is seriously something wrong with this community.
  7. K

    The Amazing Race 7

    what's "nasueating"
  8. K

    The Amazing Race 7

    So it's true, Americans are really up themselves....
  9. K

    The Amazing Race 7

    Are both Rob and Amber Americans?
  10. K

    The Amazing Race 7

    What?!? I love Lynn and Alex. They soooo wanna get rid of Rob and Amber!!
  11. K

    The Amazing Race 7

    OMG, Amberexia looked so thin when she got to the pitstop. Her bones were poking out of her skin.... eewwWWW~!!! Rob and Amber seemed sooo happy when they received another trip, greedy bitches. Rob should take a look in the mirror..... disgusting creature.
  12. K

    The Amazing Race 7

    Yes, the amazing race has been in Sydney. The host, Phil, deserves to host this show. He has hosted more than a thousand program episodes before he turned 19, and has an extensive career success as a cameraman, producer and host. So yea, good for him :uhhuh:
  13. K

    acct 1001 practice set

    I haven't done the adjustments yet but my trial balance is one dollar lower
  14. K

    acct 1001 practice set

    My unadjusted trial balance is still not balanced (as usual), did anyone get it balanced? If so, what did you get for the dr/cr?
  15. K

    The Amazing Race 7

    You disgust me !!!
  16. K

    BOSTON ROB - Do u LOVE him or HATE him??

    Reallly? I dont see people like Rob very often.
  17. K

    BOSTON ROB - Do u LOVE him or HATE him??

    I feel bad for the other contestants, having to put up with these two assholes who should've malnutritioned to death. I simply do not tolerate people with attitudes like Rob's.
  18. K

    BOSTON ROB - Do u LOVE him or HATE him??

    There is one scene in particular that distinguishes Amber and Rob from the other teams, and why they don't deserve to be on the amazing race. In a later episode to be shown (, the brothers' vehicle flipped over. Immediately, Lynn and Alex...
  19. K

    BOSTON ROB - Do u LOVE him or HATE him??

    There is one scene in particular that distinguishes Amber and Rob from the other teams, and why they don't deserve to be on the amazing race. In a later episode to be shown (, the brothers' vehicle flipped over. Immediately, Lynn and Alex...
  20. K

    The Amazing Race 7

    Yer, the amazing race rules...