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  1. K

    ECMT Quiz 3

  2. K

    acct 1001 practice set

    what? $2000 is correct...
  3. K

    More Band 6 Results in Standard English

    No. Both Standard and Advanced scale the same. The only difference is that it is much more diffifult to get in the higher bands with standard english.
  4. K

    commerce 2nd year

    Take a look in the economics and business faculty handbook. If you're enrolled under commerce, i dont think you can choose subjects from other faculties such as arts.
  5. K

    BOSTON ROB - Do u LOVE him or HATE him??

    HHahahhaha.... good point!
  6. K

    BOSTON ROB - Do u LOVE him or HATE him??

    Argh ~ u serious?!?? Damn i missed it #$%^&*()
  7. K

    ECMT Quiz 3

    is anyone doing their quiz on monday ?
  8. K

    BOSTON ROB - Do u LOVE him or HATE him??

    When was it shown on television?
  9. K

    The Amazing Race 7

    Hopefully the other teams will lend some clothing~
  10. K

    The Amazing Race 7

    haha.... then Meredith and Gretchen should've put on as many clothes as they can before they reached the pitstop. Lucky that that detour had a medical crew!!! Otherwise Gretch would've looked really ugly
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    The Amazing Race 7

    yer.... taking their bags as a penalty is new. Is phil taking their bags permanantly?
  12. K

    BOSTON ROB - Do u LOVE him or HATE him??

    In today's episode (south africa), Rob seems all right...
  13. K

    ECMT Quiz 3

    Easy peoples, let's keep the peace here....
  14. K

    acct 1001 practice set

    i used both pages with no line skipping
  15. K

    The Amazing Race 7

    omG i am so so sorry. I didn't see that they showed the "winners". I was distracted by images of Lynn and Alex kissing.
  16. K

    The Amazing Race 7

    I found images of Lynn and Alex getting married :eek: :eek: :eek: EDIT: CONTAINS WINNERS OF THE AMAZING RACE 7
  17. K

    CLAW1001 Thread

    What's the case? a hint? omg i dont wanna fail again! I just wanna pass this subj
  18. K

    CLAW1001 Thread

    What are we spose to say in clause 5) ?
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    CLAW1001 Thread

    Omg i urgently need ideas for Part B :mad:
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    CLAW1001 Thread

    Tramways Advertising Pty Ltd v Luna park (NSW) Ltd, page 381 EDIT: Woops, Moonlightshadow posted just before me...