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  1. K

    CLAW1001 Thread

    hahahahahah... LOL!!!!
  2. K

    CLAW1001 Thread

    I am so dead with week 12's tute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. K

    CLAW1001 Thread

    omg i hope week 12's tutorial is not in it !!!!
  4. K

    The Amazing Race 7

    Yes i still watch!!!
  5. K

    CLAW1001 Thread

    Thanks Too_Lazy and Yvonne, you people are so lucky not to have AMY as a tutor.
  6. K

    CLAW1001 Thread

    Does anyone have notes for tutorial week 12. My friggin tutor didn't even write a single word on the board.
  7. K

    Fuck You Ecmt

    I hope not!! Imagine the amount of people that would have to repeat ecmt next semester :eek:
  8. K

    CLAW1001 Thread

    OMG, i fucking hope that my final exam paper will NOT be marked by my tutor!!!!!!
  9. K

    CLAW1001 Thread

    I have a frend who is an international student who care hardly speak english fluently. And he's been getting better marks than i have. There is serious biasedness in marking.
  10. K

    CLAW1001 Thread

    Yes i'm asian and i'm not international if that's what you're implying
  11. K

    Fuck You Ecmt

    Sweet... 9.6. Now i feel much better from getting frustrated at CLAW1001
  12. K

    CLAW1001 Thread

    I had Amy. God she's a fucking bitch... marks assignments so hard. I spent an entire week working on the second assignment and got 11.5/20. Her only comment at the end was " You need to talk about implied terms". And she fuckin barely writes anything on the board
  13. K

    CLAW1001 Thread

    Does your tutors write notes on the board? I have the most fuked up tutor who never writes notes on the board. I dont know if they were instructed not to write notes but this is making this subject incredibly hard to learn.
  14. K

    ACCT1A exam

    that is so true. I already got 41 as well.... i hope they dont fail me !
  15. K

    ACCT1A exam

    That exam was absolutely terrible.... I've heard that there's not gonna be any scaling. Hopefully, i've heard wrong.
  16. K

    Practice Set Results

    Abdul mentioned the failure rate for last year acct1001 was 20%
  17. K

    Practice Set Results

    Geez...... everyone got higher than me in the practise set. Good thing i asked heaps of obvious questions to my tutor for participation marks ^_^
  18. K

    Practice Set Results

    Did you write your name and SID in inside your practise set Congratulations everyone on their practise sets, you guys killed it!
  19. K

    Practice Set Results

    Got 41.7 overall 10 for participation, THANK YOU ANGELA ... you rok! average is 36.6
  20. K

    HSC scandal teacher betrayed by daughter

    Have you done your HSC already ?