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  1. undalay

    Insert Opinion

    you could. But imo its better to train for comps/amo/imo. and do MX2 one year ahead (since ur already 1 year accelerated) wish i actually did stuff in the junior years.
  2. undalay

    Loudspeaker question

    It's possible, although you'll need to add all this random crap to the loudspeaker. Your only examining a part of the loudspeaker anyway, just say it needs AC.
  3. undalay

    acturial anybody?

    co-op scholarship. google it.
  4. undalay

    YAA - Young Achievement Australia

    Re: YAA - Young Achievement Australiaa they put u in a group depeding on ur area.
  5. undalay

    oxidation numbers

    lol just remember WHAT oxidation numbers actually are. Then you'll never go wrong :]
  6. undalay


    oh, then it shouldn't react. UNless be "react" they mean dissolve. not 100% sure.
  7. undalay


    Pure HNO<SUB>3 </SUB>and solid NaOH. There is no attraction between them, and their respective bonds are just too strong. In aqueous solution, the covalent bonds in HNO<SUB>3 </SUB>and destroyed. HNO3 -> H++ + NO3 and electrostatic attraction of NaOH is also overcome. NaOH -> Na+ + OH- In...
  8. undalay

    How many extensions?

    if u want to find out how many people do extensions...shouldn't you have a "none" option in ur poll.
  9. undalay

    sulfurous acid exists?

    ahaha yannyy i learnt everythign i know from our many debates. edit: and yeah sorry tiffany i got a bit workked up aha
  10. undalay

    sulfurous acid exists?

    1. CSU IS TOTALLY SHIT. 2. Conquering chemistry roland smith also says same shit. (more recent and better then contexts_ 3. Gas reactions can also be done in aqeuous solutions. 4. I said BOTH ways work earlier if u didnt notice. 5. SO2 + O2 has a higher activation energy then in aqeuous...
  11. undalay

    sulfurous acid exists?

    Where i can't find it. most sulfur dioxide released into the earth’s atmosphere is oxidised and dissolved in water to form the sulfuric acid Your contradicting youself entirely: "Apart from that, sulfuric acid is a constituent of acid rain, which is formed by atmospheric oxidation of...
  12. undalay

    sulfurous acid exists?

    It can form both ways, only sulfur trioxide is not in the syllabus, so your way is redundant.
  13. undalay

    Standard Packages

    ask ur teacher? I think they usually have standard packages. That way you don't need to pay aha.
  14. undalay

    Lenz's Law question

    i dunnno lool. i got clockwise.
  15. undalay

    Lenz's Law question

    try this
  16. undalay

    sulfurous acid exists?

    the reason why people say it "doesn't" exist. Is because the actual molecule H2SO3 Can't be identified on its own. SO2 + H2O -> H+ + HSO3- The whole molecule doesnt exist.
  17. undalay

    Lenz's Law question

    Don't be tricked, this is not always the case.
  18. undalay

    sulfurous acid exists?

    from conquering chemistry: Sulfur dioxide reacts to form sulfurousacid : SO2 + H2O -> H2SO3 In water droplets various other impurities in air catalyse the conversion of sulfurous acid to sulfuric acid: 2H2SO3 + O2 -> 2H2SO4 (with catalyst) It's a bit vague, hope it help though.
  19. undalay

    2U math problems D: (volumes of a revolution+locus)

    sorry i read the question wrong. the bounds are 0->9 However sinces its rotated about the y axis Your integrating x^2, not y^2 so u rearrange hte equation to x^2 = 9 - y
  20. undalay

    Chemistry question

    seems about right. i got 0.028g (to 2 sig figs) but i didnt round to the very end.