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  1. undalay


    0.7 or 1.7?
  2. undalay

    Some Help :) Probability

    theres also 1122. But would you also need to take into account the possibility of that outcomes occuring? For example, for all digits to be the same, theres only 1 / 1000 of that occuring. Maybe i'm just overcomplicating the question :/
  3. undalay

    Some Help :) Probability

    You didn't take into account that there must not be 4 unique digits. It could simply be 3 1's and 1 2, or something. Wouldn't you need to take that into consideration when calculating the probability?
  4. undalay

    How many significant figures?

    Okay guys. 250g this is 2 sig figs. if they want you to use three there will be a dot after it. for example 250 g = 2 sig figs 250. g = 3 sig figs. I don't understand :S why wouldn't it count as 1 sig fig? This is how i learnt it anyways.
  5. undalay

    Hours to study per night

    When i say out of the norm, i simply mean, questions that are not regularly encountered yet they still relate to the syllabus dot point. I'll assume you do mathematics since you want to do engineering next year. For example: There are two lines, x^2 and x+2. What is the x coordinate where the y...
  6. undalay

    Hours to study per night

    I still disagree, sorry if it feels like i'm arguing with you :/ For mathematics for example, if you just do textbook questions, and solve them all in a cookie cutter manner, once a question comes up that slightly deviates from the norm, alot of people would be unable to do it. Similarly, you...
  7. undalay

    Hours to study per night

    I disagree. You could spend 12 hours a day "studying" while playing dota, or you could spend 2 hours in a library will no distractions. I would bet that the person that effeciently used their time would gain better results. and intelligence does matter, it can be the difference between 10...
  8. undalay

    Absolute Values

    Well, if you sub in x=-1, and x=-4, you'll still have a gap between x=-1 and x=0. You need 2 points for any line. Since x<0, can be any number infinitely close to 0, just not exactly 0. But i guess you could subin x=-1, as long as you continued the line up to x=0. :O? make sense ahah :D
  9. undalay

    Absolute Values

    Well its a little bit tricky to explain. You subin both 0 and a number less then 0. because X<0, however -0.00000000000000000000000000001, still satisfies this equation. When you come across something like x<0, but not x<=0, you would normall subin that point, but not colour it in. Rather you...
  10. undalay

    Absolute Values

    lol :D, you sub in the points. x<0, y=-2x+1 Okay firstly subin x=0 into the equation. Turns into y = -2(0) + 1) y = 1. So the first point is (0,1) Next sub in any point that is less then 0. I'll pick say -4 y = -2(-4)+1 y = 9 So the point is (-4,9) Now join these points, and draw an...
  11. undalay


    The seniors a couple of years back bought my math teacher a personalised jacket. Its like a school jersey only its a jackets, and its better : D, and he's the only one with anything like it. I'm planning to get him a brand new math textbook after next year.
  12. undalay

    Absolute Values

    Hmmm did you look at the diagram i posted up? Basically you got three lines right now right? x<0 y=-2x+1 0<x<1 y=1 x>1 y=2x-1 And you just draw them like normal lines, but only for the certain domains. I trust you know how to draw normal lines : D "Subin the 0...
  13. undalay

    Absolute Values

    Q1 y=|x| + | x-1 | okay absolutes are really easy once u get them :] Firstly i look at this and i know that the whole function is made up of three different lines. Its easy to explain in person, harder over the forum. |x| is made up of 2 different lines but they connect. (eg. |x| <...
  14. undalay

    Factorise problem

    4u math, adv english, phys, chem. 10 units, ahaha.
  15. undalay

    Factorise problem

    (a+b)(4(a+b)-3) ???
  16. undalay

    4 unit maths with 12 units.

    He's talking about the first 2 units of 4u math, they won't be counted, simply because if you do ext2 math, 2u disapears, and basically all you have is 2 units of ext 1, and 2u of ext 2. You do not automatically get 100% for your first 2 units. And then 1 unit for ext 1 and then 1 unit for ext...
  17. undalay

    HSC Advice Line

    Chemistry is equal to the least precise measurement. In a series of calculatios carry the extra digits through to the final result. The only exception is pH, where you add one to the least precise measurement. Physics is equal to the least precise measurement + 1. Those are the general...
  18. undalay

    Plans for the 'Final' Holiday?

    Go party ahaha