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  1. undalay

    More Integration =/.

    Q8 Find the points of intersection of the two curves. Let them be 0 and @ Find the area under the y= x^2 between 0 and @ Double this value and subtract it from x times y of @ (e.g. the square where 0 is one corner, and @ is the opposite corner) to get the area between the two curves. Refer to...
  2. undalay

    renewable ethylene

    "A natural resource qualifies as a renewable resource if it is replenished by natural processes at a rate comparable to its rate of consumption by humans or other users" - Wikipedia "A renewable resource is one that is replaced, or can be replaced, at a rate greater than or equal to the...
  3. undalay

    renewable ethylene

    non renewable. Ethylene can be produced, although not naturally. Thus: non-renewable
  4. undalay

    Missing School..

  5. undalay

    Missing School..

    Try to focus on skills moreso then content. As Razizi said the content itself will not be tested in the HSC, but the skills will. eg. Physics: Writing up tables. Difference between reliability/validity. etc etc.
  6. undalay

    How many hrs per night?

    Time spent studying is not an indicator of progress. A piece of advice from a past 100-er is don't dedicate x amount of hours to study. Rather identify what needs to be done, and take as much time as required to get it done properly. Regardless of whether it takes 5 minutes, or 5 hours...
  7. undalay


    Find me some good ones that don't blow my budget : D
  8. undalay

    hai guyz do u think we should tattoo DFEE on fee payin students foreheads?

    If you buy a "wing" for a university, i don't see whats wrong with giving their kid a spot. I mean, that wing will be useful for other students, etc. The endowment for australian universities is not enough.
  9. undalay


    Anyone tutoring for this module? PM me
  10. undalay

    FAQ for HSC

    What impact does the omega 3 have?
  11. undalay

    Mathematics Extension 1

    That's okay :]. Nice mark for 3u btw.
  12. undalay

    Mathematics Extension 1

    Sorry if i'm coming off a little mean ): It's just that. moderation does not take into school internal assessment marks at all. It's all ranking. ---------------- If your school filled half the test with questions in another language so that the maximum anyone could score would be 50%, it...
  13. undalay

    Mathematics Extension 1

    I'm sorry, i think you are retarded. If he comes rank #1, and does well in his external. (lets say 90+) His Exam mark would be 90+ His assessment mark would also be 90+ (as he gains the highest of his cohorts hsc marks) His Hsc mark would then be E4 edit: read his post. It says provided he...
  14. undalay

    Mathematics Extension 1

    If you read his post, he said if he would be able to get E4. It is definitely "possible" At my school our average for 3unit is 60%. However 50% of the people doing 3unit get E4.
  15. undalay

    Mathematics Extension 1

    How so ? If your at a school that has only 1 person doing the course, you'll be granted an immediate #1. This rank means that your external mark will be the same as the internal mark. So it is definitely possible for you to get a E4 even if you do poorly in a few of your internals. edit: He...
  16. undalay

    Mathematics Extension 1

    It depends on the rank and the quality of the people above your rank. If you are rank 1, then yes it is very possible to obtain a E4. If your ranked 3rd or 4th, and the people in the ranks above you are not brilliant, then it may be hard to obtain a E4.
  17. undalay

    All Rounders eligibility?

    yes. you're fine.
  18. undalay

    Yr 11 & 12 French - Please Help!

    My friend did japanese in yr 8. Didn't do it in yr 9 and 10. Now she's doing continuers and extension jap. edit: btw pretty much all the jap she learnt is from school.
  19. undalay

    Conditions of differentiability

    if the general limit does not exist, the function shouldn't be continuous ?
  20. undalay

    hard but not impossible complex q.

    two negative obtuse angles also can make an arg of pi/2, so doesn't need to be restricted to the first quadrant.