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  1. undalay

    Tutor Needed

    gg read the date nubs.
  2. undalay

    All Rounders ??

    90+ for 10 units. Those 10 units do not need to include english.
  3. undalay

    Scaling process

    The scaling of a subject is based on the average of that subject for the whole state vs the average of other subjects (excludes extensions). In essence you could say that your hsc mark for a particular subject itself is a ranking. If physics for example had an average of 40 for the entire...
  4. undalay

    hard but not impossible complex q.

    Arg z(z+3) = pi/2 let z = x+iy z(z+3) = (x+iy)(x+iy+3) = x^2 + xiy + 3x + xiy -y^2 +3iy = x^2 +3x - y^2 + i(2xy + 3y) arccot( (x^2 +3x - y^2)/ (2xy + 3y)) = pi/2 Cot both sides x^2 +3x - y^2)/ (2xy + 3y)) = 0 x^2 + 3x - y^2 = 0 (x + 1.5)^2 - y^2 = 2.25 (x + 1.5)^2/2.25 - y^2/2.25 = 1
  5. undalay

    4U maths destroys confidence

    I was talking to the math teacher writing the first math 4u test, at he said to me, the test difficulty will definitely not be as hard as terry lee, instead more like the average difficulty of the cambridge 4u, which are as a whole, incredibly easy relative to terry lee. edit: i've got both...
  6. undalay

    confusing simple interest question

    a) A = P ( 1 + (0.058 x 8)) 15000 = P ( 1.464) P = 15000 / 1.464 = 10245.90
  7. undalay


    Fitzpatrick: Very stock questions, with the occaisional challenging problem. Cambridge: + Wide range of questions, from easy to very difficult - big and heavy to lug around.
  8. undalay

    Euler's indentity [ e^(πi) = -1]

    I think Euler's out of the current 4u course. e^(xi) = cos x + i sin x (euler's formula) Subbing in pi cos (pi) + i sin (pi) = -1
  9. undalay


    1. S5 = 35 = 5/2(2a+4d) 14 = 2a + 4d ...1 S10 = 35+160 = 195 195 = 10/2(2a+9d) 39 = 2a + 9d ...2 subtracting 1 from 2 25 = 5d d = 5 Sub d=5 into (1) 14 = 2a + 20 2a = -6 a = -3 Thus, a = -3, d = 5 2. Sn-1 = T1 + T2 + ... + Tn-1 ...(1) Sn = T1 + T2 + ... + Tn-1 +...
  10. undalay

    Induction Question

    When n=k k(k-1)/2 as true. We prove n=k+1 I.e we prove. (k+1)(k)/2 When increasing the amount of people in the room from n=k to n=k+1, k hands must be shaken. So we prove: k(k-1)/2 + k = (k+1)(k)/2 LHS k(k-1) + 2k / 2 = k^2 - k + 2k / 2 = k^2 + k /2 = k(k+1)/2 = RHS, as required.
  11. undalay

    sin^2 x

    There is no common ratio between them. But say for example a sequence such as : sin^2 x, sin^3 x, sin^4 x. The common ratio would be sin^3 x / sin^2 x. Which is just: (sinx)(sinx)(sinx)/(sinx)(sinx) Canceling the common factor, we see the ratio is sinx
  12. undalay

    sin^2 x

    there is no 'sin x' as a such on the calculator. only sin If you want sin^2 30 You would put in the calculator: (sin 30)^2 Calculators can't do algebra. (atleast not mine) If you don't have sin on your calculator, you might want to upgrade to a scientific one.
  13. undalay

    Alkene/Alkane Prac

    Since it's bromine water wouldn't they expect HOBr instead of Br2 Br2 + H2O <---> HOBr + Br- + H+ Acyclic Alkenes: CnH2n + HOBR --> CnH2nBrOH Cyclic Alkenes: CnH2n-2+ HOBR --> CnH2n-2BrOH
  14. undalay

    Did anyone...

    yr 11? why?
  15. undalay

    what does it take to get a UAI of 100?

    High band 5 in english, with 100's in every other subject can do too :P
  16. undalay

    errors in study guides

    However it has answers to long response questions and shows where each mark is allocated, which is definitely a huge plus. What other books has this?
  17. undalay

    Did anyone...

    i don't think anyone that dropped out would be on these forums :/
  18. undalay

    Parabolic question

    someone tell me if i'm doing it right. " Find the equation of the parabola with focus S (-1,1) and the directrix y=x-2" Let focus = A Let the Directrix = B Let parabola = X AX^2 = (-1-x)^2 + (1-y)^2 AX^2 = 1+2x+x^2 + 1-2y+y^2 AX^2 = 2 +2x+x^2+2y+y^2 BX = abs ( x - y +2) / sqrt (2) BX^2 =...
  19. undalay

    introductory calculas

    they can ask you to differentiate something using first principles, so you will need to know how to do them.
  20. undalay


    What does the question ask, exactly ? word for word?