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  1. C

    The Abortion Debate (continued)

    For sure it is. Unfortunately, it just doesn't exist :D
  2. C

    Are You Superficial?

    well you mentioned the town mammoth :D
  3. C

    possibilty of a coin landing on its side(edge)?

    Even with all the idealised conditions... the Queen's head has a larger area than the platypus design on the other side... so it still falls over :p
  4. C

    possibilty of a coin landing on its side(edge)?

    wouldn't it just be zero since the coin will always have some non-zero angular momentum when it lands so it's always going to fall over?
  5. C

    World Youth Day 08,23599,23669237-2,00.html .
  6. C

    The Abortion Debate (continued)

    or more obviously it would mean parasitic organisms aren't alive :D
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    Are You Superficial?

    People are supposed to know what eye, hair and skin colour they want? :D
  8. C

    Religious affiliation

    discrimination is unfair treatment of groups or individuals due to prejudice commenting on a set of ideas you believe isn't unfair or prejudiced :D
  9. C

    Is Tupac the best musician to ever live?

    was he the greatest pianist to ever live? :D
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    Are You Superficial?

    why would i hook up with your mum? :D
  11. C

    The Abortion Debate (continued)

    its eternal soul obviously
  12. C

    Is Tupac the best musician to ever live?

    Yeah, that's not true :D
  13. C

    Is Tupac the best musician to ever live?

    so which musical instrument did he play? :D
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    NSW Police Force

    he's confusing cops with abos coz he's an abo, lolz
  15. C

    how will mr rudd fuck up schoolies?

    unless it's a law raising drinking age to 21 :D
  16. C

    Calls for legal same-sex marriage

    man takes wife's name another win for the relativists