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  1. C

    In love with a girl from the internet. Problem: she's a troll

    because he'd have fallen in love with a guy? :D
  2. C

    In love with a girl from the internet. Problem: she's a troll

    stas' trolling provoked an unexpected emotional outpour from our overly literal asian friend lyounamu about his bos crush ^^
  3. C

    In love with a girl from the internet. Problem: she's a troll

    if that's the case what are you doing in a forum called love and relationships? unless it's a new hsc subject?
  4. C

    Advantages of being a republic..

    Even though they fought under the red ensign and our current flag wasn't official until 1954? :D
  5. C

    Calls for legal same-sex marriage

    did i use the wrong word somewhere again?
  6. C

    Advantages of being a republic..

    are you sure that a a true 'Strayan president would be less embarrasing? :D
  7. C

    Big W group interview

    You can't just walk in and take one of the good jobs you have to earn it :D
  8. C

    what guys prefer ???

    because i get banned a lot
  9. C

    what guys prefer ???

    old post is old fag
  10. C

    Calls for legal same-sex marriage

    so i used the wrong word or something therefore nothing happened, lol obviously you don't understand that science and technology develop faster as you have more of them :D No shit? The 'broader' story is only made up of lots of 10 years, or fuck it 15 years or 30 years if you like, so if you...
  11. C

    Who pays board?

    i earnt enough this year that my parents lost centrelink benefits (they both work), so I paid centrelink back for them, and now pay the equivalent in board each week plus some more coz i wanted to plus i buy a lot of food and other consumables for myself Azn and indian: you can live there for...
  12. C

    Calls for legal same-sex marriage

    So you reckon society can't function without moral absolutes, but we don't know what they are I guess that explains why society isn't functioning By the way, what does gay marriage have to do with morality in the first place?
  13. C

    Calls for legal same-sex marriage

    So where do your moral absolutes come from? :D
  14. C

    Calls for legal same-sex marriage

    That's why we need variable absolutes :D
  15. C

    Calls for legal same-sex marriage

    The stone ages lasted on the order of 100 times that long with minimal changes, so what? :D
  16. C

    Calls for legal same-sex marriage

    Yeah nothing has changed at all since then has it? :D EDIT: holy shit if slow changes over a 10 year period didn't happen because you can't notice them, and 100 years is just 10 increments of 10 year periods over which nothing changes because you can't notice it, then nothing must change over...