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  1. C

    Calls for legal same-sex marriage

    you were saying something about long bows? yeah okay great trolling we're all outraged by your sociopathic views now fuck off
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    Calls for legal same-sex marriage

    Letting adults do what they want in their private life has nothing to do with relativism unless you're a bible pounding lunatic EDIT: unless you also believe racism only became unacceptable due to relativism, lol
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    Calls for legal same-sex marriage

    Hopefully within a decade or 2 it'll be as embarrassing to say you're "against" gays/gay marriage as it is now to say you're "against" black people I believe it will be :D
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    Calls for legal same-sex marriage,25197,23623795-17044,00.html It's about time
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    Are You Superficial?

    pretty face, toned body and no legs? :D
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    Are You Superficial?

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    Are You Superficial?

    wouldn't the correct answer be like don't care don't care don't care don't care :D
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    Muslims declare jihad on uni timetables

    but like if you don't pray 5 times a day you're going to hell anyway, so why not just do away with islam altogether?
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    Single.. Who has never had a Girlfriend/boyfriend?

    lol it's a bit obvious when i don't even have newcastle in my location right now and you joined today EDIT: trolls trolling trolls
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    Single.. Who has never had a Girlfriend/boyfriend?

    well you won't make it easy for yourself assuming every guy is sleazy
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    The ultimate debate on democracy, liberty and freedom.

    Well thanks to e-commerce you don't really need your flesh to do your business anymore
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    All These Smart People On Bos

    there isn't really anything normal about you, lol
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    Rudd v Binge Drinking

    It's not terrible, it's hilarious, especially if they lose their houses because of it
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    Media Article: School Leaving Age 18

    I was just thinking in terms of tax payers' money whether there's any long term benefit of paying to put these types of people through year 12 or if we'd just be better off letting them go